A recently published study provides compelling evidence that a protein called alpha-synuclein is the possible cause of Parkinson's. This accumulates in brain cells and can...cause neurodegeneration. The results could provide more information about this debilitating neurodegenerative disorder. If medicine wants to find a possible cause of Parkinson's and cure the disease, scientists must first understand the function of alpha-synuclein. This is a key protein that is present in every brain.
The body's own cause of Parkinson's discovered
It is not yet known why people develop Parkinson's disease. Researchers believe this is a combination of age, genetic and environmental factors. These cause the dopamine-producing nerve cells to die and impair the body's ability to move. The new study examined what happens under healthy conditions. The team wanted to find out what was going wrong in the cells of Parkinson's patients. All cells in the body have a plasma membrane that protects them, transports nutrients and removes toxic substances. Scientists used synthetic models to mimic brain cell membranes during the study. When functioning normally, alpha-synuclein plays an important role in the mechanisms by which neurons exchange signals in the brain. However, the protein has also shown a dark side. This research found that it adheres to the inside of the plasma membrane of brain cells.
According to researchers, alpha-synuclein is the main culprit in Parkinson's disease. This is in fact naturally present in the human body. It plays an important role in the normal development of cognitive functions. The key protein is also found in the heart and other tissues. However, it can be severely broken down and converted into neurons. As a result, the symptoms of pathology appear, as well as motor disorders. The authorsthis studypresented their encouraging discovery as an important advance in the search for an effective treatment. They are considering a method that can attack this protein to reverse its effects. Treatments and medications are available to Parkinson's patients, and the disease is not fatal, but there is nothing available to reverse the effects of the disease. Introducing lifestyle changes, including more rest and exercise, can also relieve symptoms.