Fertilize lemon tree: Easily promote growth and fruit formation with natural means

Lemon trees need various nutrients to be strong, healthy and bear lots of delicious fruit. It doesn't matter how fertile your soil is, these citrus trees need an additional source of minerals and nutrients to promote fruit production and flavor. The best fertilizer for the lemon tree should contain a higher proportion of nitrogen compared to phosphorus and potassium. Learn here how to fertilize your lemon tree using just a few simple home remedies.

Fertilize lemon trees: With what natural means, when and how often?

The lemon tree is one of the most popularTrees in the home garden. That's why he deserves the best care. There are several reasons why you should use a natural fertilizer and we'll show you the best of them.

Use Epsom salt as fertilizer

Epsom salt is a natural mineral compound rich in magnesium, sulfur and sulfates. It can be used as a natural pesticide to prevent plant diseases or to treat certain plant problems.

Epsom salt also acts as a natural fertilizer, keeping soil healthy and promoting lemon tree growth. Add 45 g of Epsom salt to 4 l of water and spray the newly washed leaves with this solution in spring.

Fertilize lemon tree with eggshells

Eggshells are rich in calcium and contain traces of magnesium. These nutrients are both good for lemon trees by helping to prevent disease, keep soil pH balanced, and promote overall plant growth.

The best way to use eggshells as fertilizer is to dry them and crush them into a fine powder. This makes it easier for the trees to absorb the nutrients from the powder.

You can dry the eggshells by baking them on a tray in the oven at 120°C for 30 minutes. Then process them in a blender into a fine powder and work it directly into the soil. Make sure that lemon trees have shallow roots and do not dig too deep. The powder will slowly release calcium and other nutrients over the next few months.

It is important to note that eggshells should not be used more than once every two weeks as too much calcium can be harmful to the plants.

Are coffee grounds suitable for lemon trees?

As we mentioned earlier, lemon trees need higher nitrogen supplements. Therefore, coffee grounds are the perfect natural fertilizer. It is good for lemon trees because it improves the nitrogen and acidity of the soil.

Use dried coffee grounds for best results, as wet coffee grounds can often clump together and cause mold. Used coffee grounds can also be used as a natural pest control agent. It keeps aphids away from the tree and is an effective remedyagainst snails. You can add it to compost or use it yourself as mulch around the base of the tree.

Homemade liquid fertilizers for lemon trees

If you don't use slow-release fertilizer, consider boosting your lemon tree by using a natural liquid fertilizer once a month.

  • Place leaves, stems, flowers and comfrey herb in a jar and fill with water. Leave it in the sun for a whole day to ferment. Filter the liquid and fertilize your lemon tree with it monthly.
  • Place nettle leaves, flowers, and stems in a glass jar and fill with water. Place it in a sunny place for a day, filter the liquid and use it as fertilizer monthly. Don't forget to put on gloves.

Fertilize lemon tree with compost

Compost is an excellent fertilizer for lemon trees that will help you get the most out of your harvest. Mix the compost with soil and use it to fill the hole where you planted your tree. Then water the soil regularly until it has completely absorbed the water and is moist. Then wait two weeks before watering again to allow the excess fertilizer to drain away from the tree's roots. Fertilizing lemon treesimproved with compostthe taste of the fruit by increasing the sugar content of the fruit.

Use baker's yeast as a natural fertilizer

Baker's yeast is rich in minerals, organic iron and a variety of trace elements. Therefore, it promotes the growth and increases fruit production of lemon trees.

Put 100g of crushed yeast and 1 glass of sugar in a bucket and then add 10L of warm water. Stir the solution well until the yeast and sugar dissolve. Cover the vessel with plastic wrap, but do not wear it tightly because fermentation releases large amounts of gases and creates fizz. The mixture should sit at room temperature for a week to ferment.

To fertilize your lemon tree with yeast, dilute a glass of the solution with 10 liters of water. Water the plant with it at the beginning of spring and at the end of summer. If necessary, it can be used all year round, but no more than once every 2 weeks.