An analysis of several major studies with participants from more than 60 countries should show how much fish per weekCardiovascular diseases prevent. This could be particularly useful for people with an increased risk, such as after a stroke. The critical component in such cases is omega-3 fatty acids. From these, researchers found that they were associated with a sixth of a sixth risk of serious events such as heart attacks and strokes in high -risk opera.
Find out how much fish is healthy for the heart per week
According to the study authors, there is a significant protective advantage of fish consumption in people with cardiovascular diseases. When eating fish without heart disease, they have not observed any benefits. This study has important effects on the guidelines on worldwide fish intake. Research indicates that increasing fish consumption and in particular greasy fish can use a modest cardiovascular use in vascular patients. However, people with low risk of cardiovascular diseases can still enjoy protection against eating fish. However, this should be rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The results are based on data from almost 192,000 people in four studies. About 52,000 of them had a heart problem and the study examined people from all five continents. Previous analyzes mainly focused on North America, Europe, China and Japan, with few information from other regions.
This is by far the most diverse study on fish consumption and health results in the world. It is also the only one with sufficient number of representatives from countries with a high, medium and low income worldwide. The analysis carried out is based on data from several studies that have been examined by different scientific teams in the past 25 years. The older studies like this have been supported and financed worldwide, for example, by the Canadian institutes for health research, various pharmaceutical companies, charity organizations and even several other institutions in relation to healthy eating.These study resultsShow that two portions of fish could minimize the risk of recurring cardiovascular diseases every week.