Athlete's foot on the toenails

As the name suggests, athlete's foot is a fungal infection. These arise because feet are often warm and moist, which is the perfect environment for fungi to form. They can affect the skin or various areas of the toenails and enter the organism through skin or nail cracks. Toenail athlete's foot can cause changes in the color of the nail or make it thicker. In some cases pain may also occur. Then you should take immediate action. Otherwise, the fungi will spread and can infect the other nails, as well as the toes, i.e. the skin around the toenails, and even the fingernails.

To prevent further spread and stop athlete's foot as quickly as possible, it is important that you know how to recognize it.

If the nails are infected, they become thicker. In addition, they turn yellow and break more easily. Sometimes they also change shape and it can happen. Another way in which athlete's foot appears on the nails is in the form of a white dot. This then gradually becomes larger and larger.

If the fungal infection is not treated immediately, the fungi accumulate. The result of this is that the nail begins to wobble, whereupon it can even become completely detached from the nail bed and fall off.

Stop the spread quickly

It is interesting that the risk of infection is higher in men than in women. The risk increases in both sexes if you spend a lot of time in water or have a break in your skin or nail. Age plays another role. Older people are at greater risk of fungal infection.

There is also an increased risk for people who suffer from diabetes, mycosis or a weak immune system or whose family members are affected. Smoking also has a negative effect.