Design children's room walls - 28 ideas for the accent wall

An accent wall is always a good way to bring more color and interesting decorations into the room. This wall can represent the interests, hobbies and ideas of the children.Design children's room wallsyou can use color, wallpaper, stencils and wall stickers. Take a look at the excellent ideas below and choose your favorite.

Design children's room walls- wallpaper, wall stickers and paintings

Wall paintings are very popular for the accent wall in the children's room. You can hire an artist, paint the wall pattern yourself or simply buy wall stickers and create your own mural. Another option is to buy a beautifully patterned wallpaper for the children's room. The mottos are limited only by their imagination. However, popular motifs for the children's room are circus, transportation,jungle, Balloons, butterflies and the underwater world.

Design children's room walls with a board - and magnetic colors

Today you have the opportunity to convert an ordinary wall into a black table. The table color comes in green or black and is used everywhere - on plaster, concrete and other surfaces. Magnetic paint makes the wall a Magnett board. Children can attach pictures, notes and toys there. You can use the magnetic color as a surface for the blackboard color. So you will create a magnetized, black table.

Painting with wall templates

Accent wall only with color

An accent wall can only be created with a color that is coordinated with the other elements in the room. Choose a darker color of the dominant color, for example, if the room is kept in pigeon blue, the accent wall can be marine blau.

Small baby room in a light, neutral color

Colorful and artistic for girls

Striped accent wall

Wallpaper with dinosaur pattern

Wall sticker-world map in patchwork look

Colorful dots on the wall and ceiling

Want sticker with eagle owl