Grill tips: How to save the grilling season even without real summer

It's summer. Midsummer even. But it doesn't really feel like it. The summer of 2016 in Germany and other parts of Europe is rather cool, rainy in places and doesn't really invite you to a hearty barbecue party. But we shouldn't let it spoil our mood and still grill outside. If you have a covered veranda or pavilion, are not afraid of a cool breeze and enjoy juicy steaks or crispy corn on the cob even when the outside temperature is below 20 degrees, the following lines will provide you with a few nice barbecue tips and tricks for preparing for the barbecue.

Grill tips: The grill as an elegant showpiece in the middle

The most important thing when grilling is the grill. Withits qualityThe whole party stands or falls. If you want to buy a new grill these days, the adverse weather conditions are quite favorable for you, as many suppliers have great quality grills on offer at attractive prices. When the weather is bad, it's not just the grilled steaks that pile up in the freezers in the supermarket, but also the equipment and accessories in the manufacturer's warehouse. But the devices have to go to the customers and with a bit of luck you can get a real bargain. The so-called smokers as well as other great accessories such as pizza stones or wood chips with aroma are also very trendy.

Decorate and furnish – if necessary under the roof

We have youin a previous postAlready explained how you can spruce up your barbecue party a little with great decoration ideas. Many of these ideas are possible even if bad weather forces you under an improvised roof. In general, you should always have a plan B in place when the weather is unsettled. A marquee or tarpaulin is not expensive and can be set up in no time if necessary. Plastic chairs with a cover are suitable for comfortable sitting. When it rains, take off the cover and let the rain wash the chair. However, you should protect wooden furniture from moisture. When the weather is bad, always think about the wind. Light decorative items, napkins or paper cups tend to fly around when a gust hits them.

Full of meat, fish and vegetables

Real meat lovers marinate their own steaks. This year, intense tapenades are very trendy. A tapenade not only flavors the meat, but also creates a savory crust. For a great tapenade for flat iron steaks, for example, you need a lot of oil as well as olives, capers, garlic and optionally anchovy fillets. If you haven't dared yet,Grilling fish, should definitely do that this year because the weather seems ideal for fish. It is best to use fish with firm flesh and a high fat content, such as salmon, sea bream, trout, mackerel or tuna. Fish often only needs a short grilling time and usually only needs to be turned once. You can tell when the meat is grilled correctly by looking at the white meat or when the tail fin comes off easily.

The right drinks for cool summer days

Normally in summer you think about which fruity cool drinks are best to quench your thirst and cool your throat. This year we need something to warm up in the evening. However, we don't have to get the mulled wine out of the cellar straight away. Many wines are enjoyed at room temperature. Juice spritzers and various cocktails can also be made without ice and who doesn't know the warming effect of a schnapps or liqueur on a convivial evening. If you don't want to go without your cold beer, these are the ones for younew craft beersrecommended. In recent years, many small breweries have emerged that brew a variety of beers by hand and dare to experiment with interesting tastes. They are considered the counterweight to the brewery giants and are particularly popular in the trendy districts of big cities.