One of the most beautiful periods of the year is approaching: Advent and Christmas. And now that Halloween is over, you can fully concentrate on preparing for this wonderful time. What should of course not be missing is the Advent calendar, which young and old can enjoy. And if the classic models with chocolate are too boring or impersonal for you, just make your own! Many people have been turning to the DIY option for a long time and have made it a tradition during the run-up to Christmas to prepare a calendar for their loved ones. Would you like to try it this year? Don't worry, there are really easy ways to make an impressive Advent calendar to fill yourself and we'll introduce you to a few.
Simple bags for a free wall or wooden box
Just by looking at this DIY idea you immediately realize that it is a really simple project. It's best to choose a free wall for the finished calendar, because you'll get one straight awaybeautiful Christmas decorations. This is what you need if you want to fill this Advent calendar yourself:
- Bags of any size or pieces of fabric
- Branch, stick or something similar to hang the bags on
- Yarn or packing twine
- Cardboard or pre-cut labels/gift tags
- Edding or number stickers
- other decorations such as Christmas balls and eucalyptus branches
- Hole punch, scissors
Cut labels out of cardboard and label them with the numbers from 1 to 24 (or label finished labels directly). Then punch holes in them and thread string through them.
If you are just using pieces of fabric, place the intended gift on the fabric and lift its edges to create a bag. Tie it at the top with a labeled tag. Fill all fabrics/bags this way. Once you have finished designing all the bags, tie longer string to them so you can hang them on the branch. You should tie each bag at a different height so that the Advent calendar can be filled with more variety. Here and there add some of the other decorations for additional adornment.
Instead of hanging the bags on a branch, you canget a wooden boxand arrange the gifts in it - preferably mixed up and not in the order of the numbers, of course, so that the recipient has to search first.
Tipp:A simple clothes hanger is also suitable for hanging. This is a wonderful alternative if you want to make a calendar last minute and don't have time for a walk to find a suitable stick. The hanger is also compact and can be hung up directly thanks to its hook.
Advent calendar bags to fill and fairy lights
Get simple bags that you label with the numbers (or use stickers) and decorate them with other things if you want. Then simply stretch a string of LED lights onto a free wall. You can do thatShape of a Christmas treeas in the example or just choose several even rows. After you have filled them, hang the bags on this chain of lights using wooden clothespins. Of course, you can also fill this Advent calendar with fabric bags.
Do not use gifts that are too heavy, otherwise the fairy lights will not be able to hold the weight.
Form a Christmas tree with a chain
A good alternative is also this pretty Christmas tree, which was created with a chain on a large PDF plate. The bags were attached inside the tree using double-sided tape. Instead, you can also stretch string again and use boxes or bags instead of bags.
Also interesting:Make an Advent calendar for daycare: Creative craft ideas and tips for filling!
Use an old wooden ladder
If you don't want to drill into the wall or glue anything down, come up with a stand. OneFor example, wooden ladder is perfectsuitable and, depending on the model, can stand freely or lean against the wall. When the Advent season is over, it also proves to be very useful for other types of decorations. You can therefore redesign them for every season. And if you make an Advent calendar yourself to fill, hang bags, bags, pouches or bags on the rungs or stretch string between the bars (parallel to the rungs) and attach the gifts to them.
This idea is also very suitable if you want to make your own Advent calendar to fill large bags. In contrast to the variants above, the ladder is significantly more stable and can also hold larger weights.
Cans as Advent calendars to fill
The Edding company has presented this simple but original idea for anyone who wants to get really creative.Collect cans, also in different sizes. Then cut out strips of black paper whose length is slightly longer than the circumference of the respective can (width = height of the can). Then wrap the paper strip around the can, apply glue to the edge and stick the other end on top.
You can then write on the black paper with markers (Edding offers suitable ones, among others) and paint it as you like. Then fill it and set it up. If you want, you can also put LED tea lights in the smaller cans to illuminate them nicely. Or stuff parchment paper inside to cover the contents.
Small boxes with templates to print out
You can easily make boxes yourself or buy templates that you just have to fold. Then you can label and design the boxes as you wish, or you can choose motifs from the templates to print out, cut them out and then glue them onto the boxes.
You can find a few ideas for interesting boxesin this article.