Handicrafts with lavender-3 great DIY ideas with simple instructions

If you are able and have your own garden or at least a balcony, it is definitely worth breeding one or the other lavender plant. Because only a few plants can be used as universally as the lavender. He not only delights the eye, but also finds an application in various cosmetic products and cleaning agents. Both children and adults tolerate the fragrant herb very well and practically without side effects. The distinctive fragrance avoids ants, moths, mosquitoes and lice and works perfectly as a natural, environmentally friendly means of defending insects. In teas and herbal mixes or in the form of an essential oil, lavender helps with its aroma against sleep disorders, restlessness and in impure skin. The lavender oil can be used wonderfully for personal hygiene. You can also make a wonderful decoration and small gifts yourself from the dried flowers of the plant. Crafting with lavender is a lot of fun and really great things can arise. We present 3 DIY ideas with simple instructions.

Fragrant decoration, gifts and body care

Fragrant lavender bags are a wonderful DIY idea that you can easily realize yourself with a little time and skill. The result exudes an irresistible fragrance and not only delights the eye, but also the senses. The fragrance bags become a beautiful home accessory and at the same time have a particularly useful side effect - they keep the moths away. So you can immediately make a small fabric bag filled with dried flowers and hang it in the closet. When the sack begins to slowly lose your fragrance, take it in your hands and just knead it vigorously. So it will be pleasant againLavendeld air exude. Of course, over time, the fragrance bag loses its effect and the filling must be replaced by freshness.

Make fragrance bags yourself

If you want to do handicrafts with lavender and want to make fragrant lavender bags yourself, then you need the following:

  • A piece of fabric with any size (rectangular or best square)
  • dried lavender flowers
  • Needle, thread, scissors
  • Optional: a piece of gift ribbon to tie and hang

Basically, you can use all parts of the plant for your lavender bags, but the flowers are most aromatic. If you want to make a larger bag of tinker, it is suitable as a filler for fibrous wood shavings from untreated wood or spelled grains. Depending on the size and desired fragrance intensity, mix these with dried lavender herb. It is best to take linen or pure cotton as fabric for the homemade lavender bags. Fabrics of natural origin are air -permeable and resistant and are therefore perfect for our purpose. They also have a decorative character, the ideal tooHandicraftsfits.

First cut the fabric. You can either cut two equally large, square pieces of fabric or take a larger one and fold it in the middle. How to save yourselfsewingFrom one side. If you have chosen the variant with two pieces, then put the two together so that the pretty side shows inwards. Now sew the hem on three sides and the fourth leave it open. Now you have to fill the bag. First turn the bag so that the beautiful side is outside. Fill with lavender flowers that you previously mixed thoroughly with spelled grains. It works best with a small teaspoon. When the small bag is relatively full, hit the upper end so far that it almost touches the filling. Now sew the fabric edge overturned so that the lavender does not fall out and the opening becomes nice and clean. Finally, you can also bind a gift ribbon so that the bag can later be hung on the hanger or elsewhere.

Similarly, a sleep-creditor pillow can be designed and filled with sufficient lavender flowers. It calms down, contributes to a healthy sleep and helps with sleep disorders. It will also keep the house dust mites away.

Decoration fragrance candles

With self -poured fragrance candles, you conjure up a decorative light and an individual room fragrance at the same time. We'll show you how to do it. Design a fragrance candle in the glass according to your own taste or as a gift for your loved ones. Basic materials:

  • (old) candle wax and/ or candle wax granulate
  • Does
  • Wooden skewer
  • Glass for the candle
  • Lavendelblüten
  • Optional: additional fragrance aroma and possibly wax color

Put the candle wax in a saucepan and slowly heat in a water bath. Note that after melting, the wax reduces its volume somewhat. Let it melt it completely.

In the meantime, you prepare the desired candle shape or glass. Cut off the candle so that it is longer than the height of the vessel. First you have to fix the wick with a few drops of wax on the bottom of the candle. Then attach the upper end to the wooden skewer and place it on the edge of the glass so that the wick stays up in the middle.

Now you can fill in the wax in portions and if it has become a little hard, sprinkle a few lavender flowers on it. To this end, lavender oil or other essential oils can be added at will.

DIY Lavendel-Körperpeling

This body peeling or known as a body scrub is really easy to make yourself. It consists of only a few ingredients, but they have a flattering effect on the skin. The sugar removes the dead skin cells. The coconut oil maintains the dry skin and keeps it moist. The lavender oil has an antiseptic and calming effect. After use, the skin becomes soft and tender. Try it out!

  • 250 g of sugar
  • 60 g coconut oil
  • 2 - 3 teaspoons of dried lavender flowers
  • 10 - 20 drops of lavender oil

First put the sugar and lavender flowers in a bowl and mix thoroughly with a mixing spoon. Then add the lavender oil. Pay attention to it because it is very intense. Finally, give the coconut oil. It should be liquid or you have to melt it beforehand. Let the coconut oil cool down at room temperature, otherwise it can melt the sugar. You fill the finished body peeling in a clean glass with a lid and your homemade body scrub is ready. It is perfect as a gift for Mother's Day or birthday. Otherwise you can of course add your beauty & wellness products.