Crafting with coffee capsules for Christmas: Simple decoration ideas that allow you to reuse them

Whether you consume Dolce Gusto, Nespresso, Tassimo or another brand of coffee, it can accumulate a lot of waste. This is why the capsules are so controversial, because ultimately the coffee capsules harm the environment and should therefore be avoided. Another option would be to reuse them. Maybe you've even seen jewelry made from coffee capsules? Today we present you a few ideas with instructions that are perfect for Christmas. No matter whether it's a Christmas decoration or a homemade gift - crafting with coffee capsules can be really varied!

Little angels to hang up

These followers canDecorate Christmas treeor other areas decorate and look quite authentic due to the metallic look of the capsules. This is how you can make angels with coffee capsules:

For each angel you need:

  • 2 capsules
  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • Fur wool in any color
  • 3 wooden beads or foam balls
  • Wings (you can cut them out of cardboard yourself using our template)
  • self-adhesive glitter stones
  • Glue
  • thin wire (approx. 25 cm per angel)
  • Never
  • Scissors
  • Nadel
  • Felt pen/Edding

Crafting with coffee capsules instructions and template for Christmas angels

Take the first coffee capsule and press its edge at equal intervals with the tongs to create a wavy edge. Repeat with the other one. Using the needle, thread the thin wire alternately through a bead, then through a capsule, again through a bead, then through the second coffee capsule and finally through the third bead. The beads ensure that the capsules are spaced apart and also to create a head (start with the head when threading through).

Once you have gone through all the elements, you have to lead the wire back again. Leave out the bottom bead and insert the wire directly through the bottom coffee capsule. This creates a loop around the bead so that everything is secured. Alternatively, you can tie a knot and thread the wire back through the bead. Then glue a piece of wool around your neck as a scarf. Cut a small piece of the pipe cleaner and shape it into a ring that is slightly smaller than the head. Glue it into place as a halo.

Printable template

Now print and cut out the template for the wings and then trace the outlines onto the desired cardstock to create the final angel wings. Then glue the wings to the back. Then draw the face on the head bead and glue the rhinestones to the front of the angel as buttons. Now tie the ends of the wire together to create a loop for hanging and you're donethe Christmas angel!

For a small Christmas tree you can use theseMake Christmas tree ballsif you have leftover Vertuo Nespresso capsules. These have a rounder shape and can quickly turn into balls if you glue them together. They can also be embellished and personalized with stickers or self-painted patterns.

Make your own Christmas bells

You can also make such bells as tree decorations from coffee capsulesand use them that way. Tie one end of the wire together and then push the wire through the first capsule from below. String two beads and form a loop by twisting the wire. Thread two beads again and push the end of the wire through the two capsules. Tie the end. Tie a loop of pipe cleaner around the wire loop for decoration.

Idea for a cute Christmas gift - mini flower pot for the fridge

Plant plants such as succulents into the capsules after sticking a small magnet to the outside. This is a real onecute gift, which I'm sure everyone will be happy about. As soon as the space becomes too small for the plants, the recipient can simply transplant them. Here too, you can design the capsules as you wish beforehand. Longer models are recommended if you use this idea to make crafts with coffee capsules. On the one hand, you get a more flat surface to attach the magnet to. On the other hand, they also have more space than, for example, Vertuo and a flat installation surface.

Reusing coffee capsules – ideas for making Christmas decorations

If you make the above angels with coffee capsules, you can also make Mary and Joseph out of two of them and create a nativity scene. To make the baby Jesus, all you have to do is squeeze a coffee capsule like a wrap. Glue a bead for the baby's head into the opening at the top. Joseph gets a cap and Mary a capsule hood as well as both a halo by just cutting out the outer ring of the capsule.

Make your own door wreath

To make a wreath, press the aluminum capsules together in a similar way to the baby Jesus, creating petal shapes into which you then glue red beads. Distribute these “leaves” with hot glue on a wreath blank made of foam or straw (if you use Styrofoam, do not use hot glue or a low-temperature gun).

An Advent wreath made from recycled material

You can also make an Advent wreath next year with coffee capsules. To do this, simply flatten them and then arrange them like scales on a blank. Start with the inside and work outward row by row, always overlapping the previous row so that the entire blank is covered. Then stick candle holders into the wreath and decorate as you wish.