The spider mite is one of the most common pests not only in the garden, but also in the home on houseplants and can cause great damage. Tomatoes and cucumbers, among other things, often suffer from infestation. Of course, you can use chemical pesticides to combat them, but these also harm the beneficial insects. For this reason, we first recommend natural remedies that can be very effective if you use them correctly and in a timely manner. We have put together some effective home remedies that you can use to combat spider mites and also explain how you can recognize these pests.
How can you recognize spider mites?
The name basically suggests it: the small, annoying animals belong to the arachnids and also have the property of forming very fine spider webs with which they cover the infected plants. This is usually what you notice first, as the mite itself is so small that it is hardly noticeable. So if you have noticed webs, they are these arachnids.
What happens to the plant if it is infested?
The pests suck the water from the plant's leaves, making it drier. This also causes spots to appear on the surface of the leaves, which can be recognized by their silvery-gray to yellow color. However, the fact that they deprive plants of water is not the only problem.
The arachnids also have the property of secreting poison through their saliva, which then damages the plant.
If you have discovered an infestation on a plant, you should isolate it immediately to prevent it from spreading to the other plants. Of course, this only works with potted plants that can also be moved.
Fighting spider mites – home remedies you can try
The lemon tree, roses, ivy, hibiscus or the tomatoes and cucumbers mentioned are only a small part of the plants that these annoying small animals prefer to attack. But as we already said, household or natural products are a wonderful alternative to chemicals, which is particularly important for edible plants. After all, we strive for organic quality with our garden cultivation! How can you combat spider mites with home remedies?
A pleasant shower
Even before you bother mixing and using solutions, you can try a first aid measure. They can fight spider mitesby showering. However, this variant is only possible if you are fighting spider mites in your home, i.e. with houseplants that you can bring into the shower or bathtub.
This method is particularly effective if you use it as quickly as possible. The animals are washed away, but the eggs are not. So if there are already eggs on the plant, the problem is not yet solved and you will probably have to repeat the process a few more times.
As you rinse the plant, use your hands to gently rub all parts of the plant as well. The pests don't like moisture, so you should then put a plastic bag over the plant to store it. The first spider mites, if not all, should be gone after a week.
Tipp: To prevent an infestation, you should avoid dry plants. Water regularly, mist the plant with water and, if necessary, lay down a layer of mulch to ensure that the soil remains moist.
Fight spider mites with oils
Use rapeseed oil against the mites
As inconspicuous as this vegetable oil may be, it turns out to be a perfect pest control agent and all you need to do is dilute 250 ml of it with a liter of water. You can of course double or halve the amount depending on how many plants you want to treat. If you would like to combat spider mites with rapeseed oil, spray the affected plant with this solution every three days until the pests have disappeared.
Natural remedies with rapeseed oil are also available to buy ready-made in stores. Rapeseed oil is the ideal choice if you want to treat edible plants as it is not harmful in any way and does not affect the taste or quality of the subsequent fruits.
Fight spider mites with neem oil
You can also successfully fight spider mites with neem oil. The advantage of this oil is that it not only kills the animals, but also prevents them from laying their eggs. To do this, dilute the oil with water and spray it thoroughly on the plants in the morning and during rain-free periods. Don't forget the undersides of the leaves! Avoid spraying at other times of the day or the strong sun could cause burns. By mixing neem oil with the irrigation water, you can prevent pest infestation.
Tea tree oil has a disinfecting effect
Tea tree oil is a wonderful remedy in many cases. Mix 20 drops with a liter of water and a squirt or two of dish soap and spray the affected plants. Choose the morning for this.
Does ash work in the fight against arachnids?
Ash is another effective remedy that you can use to prevent parasites. More specifically, use cigarette ash because it is the nicotine that fights the pests. So if you have a smoker in the family, this could prove to be an advantage for once. Do you want to fight spider mites?with ashes, mix some cigarette ash with water and use this as irrigation water. In the case of an acute infestation, this product may not be sufficient as it is not sprayed directly onto the plant.
Prepare a decoction from plant products
You can fight spider mites with nettle, garlic or onion by making a decoction of them. Take either the leaves or pieces of the tubers and chop them up. Let them rest in hot water overnight. The finished brew can be used for watering the plants as well as for spraying. Choose a period without rain so that the brew is not washed off immediately. It should be able to work on the plant for a few days.
Fighting spider mites – home remedies with vinegar
Vinegar is not suitable for thisto drive away pests, however, it is a good remedy that has a preventive effect after you have treated the plants. You can clean the pots with a vinegar solution and disinfect them in this way.
Can you fight spider mites with alcohol?
You can also combat spider mites effectively by mixing water with alcohol and a little soap (1 liter of water, 20 g soap and 30 ml spirit). Then spray the plant thoroughly. The parasites can also hide well, especially in the armpits of the leaves or if the plant has spines. In this case, the solution can be applied more specifically using an ear swab, for example.
Natural enemies of the spider mite to combat
Something that you don't have in the house, but can easily purchase in specialized stores, are the larvae of natural enemies of these pests, which will serve you wonderfully in the fight against the infestation. Suitable are:
- Lacewings
- Ladybug
- Webwings
- Raubkäfer
- Raubmilben
Which of theseBeneficial insects are best suiteddepends primarily on whether you want to use them indoors or fight spider mites outdoors. The predatory mites are also used on houseplants, for example, by simply sprinkling them onto the potting soil. They need a moist environment (remember that!) and only live as long as they can find food. As soon as the spider mites are eliminated, the predatory mites also disappear again.
Ladybugs, for example, are suitable if you want to fight spider mites outside. The larvaethe ladybugare also used very popularly and effectively on aphids.