Crafting outside with children – 18 creative ideas for your free time

Are you planning a garden party? Or you simply want to spend more time outside with your children. In any case, a few creative ideas for crafting with children outside won't hurt. In order for everyone to be delighted with it, you definitely need to take into account the level of difficulty. You can realize most of the crafting tips using recycled materials and everyday items - glasses, PET bottles, plastic packaging, paper, wood, cans and others. Spend more time with your child outdoors and create something beautiful for the garden and home.

Make a colorful wind chime for the garden out of tin cans.Leave the color design to youyou to the child. Pay attention to the distance between the cans, which hit each other in the wind and make sounds. You can hang them in a spiral or next to each other at the same height.

You can also use one of children's favorite pastimes, camping in the garden or yard. All you need is 1-2 larger blankets and 5-6 sticks of the same length.

Ships and boats can be made from almost any material. Folding them out of paper is child's play. You will also find suitable instructions in the photo gallery. To make the origami last longer, use waterproof paper.

You can also build boats yourself. Corks, plastic bottles and packaging or wood are all materials that are waterproof and can be used to build small boats.

Great things are always made from mason jars. Decorate them with colorful paper, decorative stones or beads. But don't cover them too tightly so that the light can still shine through. The glasses can be hung up or placed anywhere. When you set them up, you should fill them a third full with sand or smaller stones so that the wind cannot blow the glasses over.

The light bag or bread bag can be decorated with colorful paper or punched out different stamp holes for motifs.

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