Crafting with modeling clay is really fun for children, especially if they can play around with it and get dirty sometimes. However, they are often available in small quantities and are more suitable for making smaller pieces of jewelry. There is a possibility that you can make them yourself. This is suitable for children and will later be air dried. The works become durable and can be painted later. Here are three easy recipes made from ingredients you can find at the grocery store or hardware store and some ideas.
The salt dough version is the easiest dough to make yourself. The works need to air dry for a few days or can be baked at a low temperature in the kitchen oven after the initial drying phase. You can then paint and varnish them. The classic recipe is:
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 1 cup of water
So that the dough holds together better, becomes supple and is easy to work with, add a little water and:
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1-3 tablespoons oil
In the past, the heads and faces of the dolls were made from modeling clay made from wood flour. To do this, you'll need to get a few things from the hardware store - wallpaper paste and sawdust. The resulting dough can be stored in an airtight container for up to three days. Here is the exact recipe:
- 1 packet of wallpaper glue – marked with methylan on the packaging
- Mix with about 3-4 liters of water and let it swell for about 20 minutes so that it becomes slippery, similar to pudding
- add the same amount of sawdust
- Stir until everything crumbles, then knead diligently
Another type is called cold porcelain and can be made at home with cornstarch. This results in finer work than with thatSalt or sawdust dough. This dough should air harden. The necessary materials:
- 4 cups cornstarch
- 4 cups wood glue
- 4 teaspoons glycerin (available at the pharmacy)
- 2 teaspoons vinegar or lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons hand cream (without silicone)
Mix the cornstarch, wood glue, vinegar and glycerin together and heat the resulting mixture in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Stir regularly. Add the hand cream last.