Useful office furnishings – tips for effective and creative interior design

Your own office is playing an increasingly important role in German households, especially due to the increasing number of employees who work from home. It no longer serves as “just” a temporary workplace, but as a status symbol, lounge and retreat. Basically, it's about feeling comfortable at your workplace, after all, people spend a large part of their time at their desk. In addition to a healthy sitting position, the furnishings, composition and functionality should also be emphasized.In this articleexactly this development is described. The office is playing an increasingly important role in people's daily routine. The requirements are also increasing. Projects like that of Roy Yin, who developed a new, space-saving variant of furnishings with his concept “The Shrinking Office Project”, are becoming increasingly important in the context of open-plan offices. These innovations can be taken even further, because the concept of the artist living in the Netherlands shows that the furnishing of the study is of paramount importance not only in the business world. After all, work spaces are also used in private environments. The aim is to design a stylish, but also functional and work-friendly, sensible office interior that improves motivation and your own performance.

Sensible office furnishings - functional interior design

In this case, the term expedient is not to be equated with a purist or austere impression, but rather with the optimal environment for the demands of the worker. This person must be able to stay in the room every day for a period of several hours. If he doesn't feel comfortable there, the risk of his performance stagnating increases.HereThe planning and setting up of the optimal office is described in more detail. Finally, it should always be noted that the person concerned should enjoy being in this room because they spend a large part of their time there during the week. For this reason, there are different aspects that need to be taken into account for sensible office furnishings.

Sensible office furnishings – the furniture

The furnishing of an office must meet the needs of the employee. Only if they feel comfortable in it can it be guaranteed that they can perform well on a daily basis. This starts with the practical furniture. This includes desks with sufficient storage space, wall shelves, ergonomic chairs, or similar. Here it is important to find the optimal composition for the size of the room.Space saving optionsThese include integrated shelving systems that are installed in the right place. These convey a larger space through an optical illusion. In this way, a cramped feeling can be avoided.Haufe.dereports that exercise plays an important role in the workplace anyway. The more restricted the space, the less performance can be expected. The reasons for this are varied. A spacious office that allows movement affects the cardiovascular system, which in turn improves the person's concentration. Especially in smaller companies where there are no conference rooms, the office is often used for communication with customers or for acquiring new partners. Here it is important that the furnishings are modern, dynamic and functional and appear in an upscale style. Individuality is just as important as credibility and, in the best case, adopting the company's own corporate design.

Meaningful office furnishings – creative office space concepts

While the executive offices in companies are separated from the rest of the workplaces and must also fulfill representative characteristics, the workplaces of the workforce of start-ups are increasingly becoming “creative offices” in which employees can use different desks to do their work complete. This arises from the introduction of “sharing”. The design and furnishings play an even more important role than they already do.
The office chair is another piece of furniture that is of great importance in a study. The wrong chair can quickly lead to back pain, especially when office hours last longer than six hours. An ergonomic seat is particularly relevant because it offers the best possible support for the body. In this way, the likelihood of suffering from back pain is significantly minimized. When buying furniture, you should pay particular attention to this.

Sensible office furnishings – the lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in productivity in an office. Since sensible lighting in a company should also correspond to a specific concept, it makes sense to consult an expert. Because mistakes can lead to reduced productivity and therefore complaints. The first thing to mention is the lighting level. This must meet certain criteria so that it is possible to carry out all visual tasks (work with computers, video conferences, meetings with customers). Overall, the planning of the lighting system provides for the following aspects:

-Selection of a holistic lighting concept.

-Choose a suitable type of lighting according to the room conditions

-Finding the right lights

-Create a maintenance plan, find out how to properly care for the system.

With regard to the furniture and lighting, it should also be mentioned that these require a certain reflective property. The arrangement of these with regard to lighting is also important. A distinction must be made here between the type of room. Offices for single people need to be lit differently than those that are suitable for two, three or more office occupants. The arrangement of the windows also plays an important role, so that a suitable combination of natural and artificial light should be achieved.LED lightingaim to imitate this natural light. In this way, it is possible to create “natural” light even in an office without windows. On the one hand, this promotes performance and, on the other hand, puts you in a good mood.

Useful office furnishings – plants

The design is ultimately the responsibility of whoever is in the office space. While there is often little scope for lighting, it is possible to let your creativity run wild when it comes to furnishings. Plants and other feel-good items are ideal for optimally equipping the office. Plants in particular make sense because they ensure a pleasant climate in the rooms. The reason: They filter dust and toxins such as formaldehyde or nicotine from the air. Furthermore, these give the room a certain liveliness and also increase the well-being of those who have to work in it. Personal items, such as a photo with your partner or children, also increase motivation and mood. These little things can certainly have an impact on the performance of the respective employee.

Sensible office furnishings – the choice of color

Painting the walls is only suitable for people who work from home and carry out their work there. First of all, it is important to avoid bright colors. Subtle and unobtrusive tones, on the other hand, create a positive mood. This must be taken into account not only with regard to the paint, but also with regard to the wallpaper. Basically, colors that are friendly and subtle encourage positive feelings and promote concentration. However, those that are bright and conspicuous can potentially cause negative moods and problems with concentration.

Useful office furnishings – The employees also need a kitchen