Anyone who thinks about tinkering with cones usually stands moreIdeas for the winterOr autumn. These pretty natural materials are also accessible in summer and can be used wonderfully for summer craft ideas and decorations. In order to prove this, we have put together a few great instructions for tinkering with pine cones summer, which you can try with your children depending on the level of difficulty. So provide the remaining cones from your last winter crafting afternoon and get started right away!
Tanning tinker with fireplace summer
Let's start with a particularly simple and quick craft idea, the result of which is a happy decoration with cones.Decorations from cones for ChristmasEveryone probably knows, but how about such figures instead? With just a few simple steps, the cones transform into cute, small pineapple, with which you can decorate the table at a summer garden party, the windowsill or other areas. Everything you need are:
- Pine cones, cleaned and dried
- yellow acrylic paint
- Paint brush
- Green paper in two nuances (alternatively white can also be painted with felt -pens green)
- Scissors
- Hot glue or handicraft glue
So you can tinker with the cute pineapple with pine cones summer: first paint the desired number of pine cones yellow. Probably several layers will be necessary to achieve a covering color. Alternatively, you canTap also bleaching tooAnd then paint. Then cut out the leaves: You need five or six pieces from the dark green color per pineapple, which are not higher than half as high as the cones, and as many in light green color, which longer than the dark, but not longer than that Taps are high. Furthermore, you prepare two more longer in dark green.
As shown in the instructions, the small leaves stuck in the middle of the tap. You may need to remove or bend some of the cover scales for this purpose. They glue the higher lights behind the small leaves. Finally, add the two long dark green leaves and bend the leaves outwards using a pen. It is alreadyDecoration with pine conescomplete.
Tinker the door wreath with fireplace summer
No less easy one becomes oneDoor wreath tinkered. The colorful cones should imitate tin - pretty summer flowers that can be found in numerous colors and color combinations. Of course, the colors you use for the wreath is up to you. You need to tinker with pine cones summer:
- Vine wreath
- White spray paint
- Acrylic
- Paint brush
- Band made of sack linen and colored ribbonorFinished loop
- Hot glue
- Hook for hanging
Clean the pine cones and let them dry. You can then paint the pine cones in the desired colors. Probably several layers will be necessary to achieve a covering color. Spray the wreath white and let all colors dry. Then attach the loop with hot glue to any point on the wreath and decorate it with one of the painted pine cones. At another point, arrange a few more cones. You can already hang the wreath.
Summer picture for hanging
If you cut the cones, you can use the obtained slicesImitate flowersAnd in this way produce beautiful decorations. How about, for example, if you tinker such a picture with fireplace summer? You can also make the pink wreath from the example above. You need that for this purpose:
- Pine cone
- Acrylic paints and brushes
- Never
- thin branches
- Strong glue
- Painted canvas or wooden board as a background
Cut the pins with the pliers so that you get thin slices. In doing so, they also protect fallen cover scales on or cut off a few individuals that are later used as leaves. Paint or spray the pegs, branches and cover scales in any colors. Then you can design pretty flowers on the selected background from these elements by attaching them with strong glue.
Feed pins for birds
Birds are not only hungry in winter, but are also happy about a few treats in your garden in summer. You do with oneFeeding point not only the birdsSomething good, but can also enjoy your pretty sight right away. Such feed pins for birds are extremely easy and a great idea if you are looking for ideas for tinkering with pine cones for children.
- Peanut butter
- Pine cone
- Bird feed
- Plastic spoon, ice cream staler or spatula
- paper plate
- Yarn or cord
If you want to tinker feed pencil with fireplace summer, you just have to brush the cones with a thin layer of peanut butter. It is best to do this over the plate and try to get as much as possible from tap. Pour bird feed in another plate and roll the peanut cones in it to generously cover them with it. Finally, tie a piece of yarn or cord tightly and hang the delicacies into your garden. You can also produce energy -rich bird feed yourself with theseRecipes for winter.
Tinking flower on wood with natural materials in summer
You also only need a part of the pine cone for this handicap. You can use slices at desired or the lower part in the example. Then you can do little pretty ones on woodDesign summer pictures. How they are made:
- Pine cone
- Small hand saw or pliers
- Acrylic paints and brushes
- Any wooden board
- Twigs
- green paper
- Hot glue
- Scissors
For tinkering with pine cones summer, cut the cleaned and dry cones as desired and paint them in the desired colors. You can paint the middle yellow to imitate the pollen. Several layers of color are likely to be necessary. While the colors dry, cut out a few leaves from the green paper and glue on the lower part of your wooden board. Then stick a branch per flower in the middle (you are welcome to paint it green in advance) and at the upper ends the tap scales. You can now set up the pine cones decoration and lean or hang it on a wall.
Pendant with succulents
If you use pine cones to tinker, you can make such pretty trailers with succulents. So you can tinker with the idea with fireplace summer:
- Large pine cones (preferably with a diameter of 7.5 cm or more)
- Spray glue
- Torfmoos
- Small succulents
- Yarn
Cut off the rounder side of the pine cone to get a cow. If necessary, you can also remove a few cover scales. Spray this cow with the glue and attach a little peat moss there. Do not press the moss too much, but keep the volume to be able to put the succulents into it. Tie it as long as you can hang it for hanging.
Now place the pin in the lid of the spray adhesive, which in this way serves as a stand. Take a succulent out of your potty, remove the earth from the roots and shorten the roots if necessary. Put the stem of the succulents into the moss and then arrange other succulents in the same way. At first, the succulents are not yet too well fixed. Over time, however, the roots grow and stick to the moss. Moisten the succulents once a week using a spray bottle.
Handicraft ideas with pine cones-succulent tower
Another variant would also be such a likeable tower, for which several cones are combined. If you would like to make this idea with fireplace summer, you can do this in the following way:
- Large pine cones with wide -open scales
- Small succulents
- Blumendraht
- Scissors/pliers
- Yarn
- Potting soil
- Pen or toothpick
Take the big pin and remove a few of the cover scales here and there to make room for the succulents. About a third below the top of the tap, tie a piece of yarn around the tap to hang up. Put potting soil into the open areas and then insert the succulents after you have drilled holes into the earth with a pen or toothpick. Now tie wire around the succulents to fix them. As soon as the succulents rooted in the earth, you can remove it again.
Mobile handicrafts with fireplaces summer
And how about youA creative mobileTinker out of cones? This is also a wonderful idea that you can imitate with children. Spend a little time in the fresh air by making these pine cones decorating ideas best in the garden. This is how it is done:
- Pine cone
- Branches or rods
- colorful yarn
- Pearl
- Scissors
- Optional: acrylic paint
If you want, you can initiallyacrylic paint. In this case, it is advisable to let them clean and dry them first. However, these natural materials also look good. If you want a mobile tinkering with fireplace summer, wrap colored yarn around the branches or rods (you can also paint them with acrylic colors) to make them more attractive and more colorful. Then put two such branches together like a cross and tie them together where they cross.
Now tie up the thread of the branches of different lengths. Take the first yarn and thread a few pearls. Tie a knot below the pearls so that you can slide down and leave enough yarn below the knot in order to be able to tie a pine cone. Repeat this with the other hanging thread pieces.
Summer ombre cones
These decorations that you can choose also look romantic and summery when you are looking for craft ideas for pine cones. In turquoise, the cone is reminiscent of exotic beaches, in orange of a romantic sunset andin maritimem Blauon sea and oceans. No matter what color you choose, if you make such a decoration with pine cones, everyone will get absolutely when you look at summer mood. So you can make the ombre decoration tinkering with fireplace summer:
- Pine cone (preferably opened)
- Acrylic paints in 3 or 4 shades of a color (a main color can be mixed with white)
- Schrägpinsel
- Old toothbrush
With the toothbrush you brush the pine cones clean (preferably outdoors). Alternatively, you can also wash them, but then you have to let them dry well. Take a color and add 3 or 4 blobs to a paper plate, lid or a palette. They leave the first as it is. They mix the others with different quantities - the more white, the brighter the color becomes.
Take the darkest nuance with the brush and paint the tips of the sheds of the lower 2-3 rows. Clean the brush and repeat the whole thing with the next light color and the next few rows. This is how you continue until you have painted all rows. Let the color dry and the decoration is ready. The painted cones look particularly pretty when they arrange them in groups.