The right door decorations for Christmas are one of the first steps when it comes to decorating the house for Christmas. In this way, you will be in the Christmas mood right from the entrance area. Traditionally, Christmas door wreaths are chosen, which could not be more diverse in the choice of materials, style and colors. You can find and buy the right Christmas door wreath for every taste.
But if you would rather make a completely individual version, you can give free rein to your creativity and design a wreath for Christmas according to your taste. Discover some inspiration here that you can modify and add to your wishes and ideas.
Christmas door wreath with balls and willow branches
You can use it for the Christmas door wreathBalls for Christmas treesUse in any colors and the additional decorative elements can also vary according to your taste or depending on what you find. In the following list you will only find suggestions that were specifically used for the Christmas door wreath shown in red, silver and white.
- Wreath made of willow branches (without additional decoration)
- Snowflake
- small Christmas tree balls in red and silver
- artificial evergreen branches
- artificial red berries
- decorative elements with red and silver colored beads
- Branches with snow
- Wire cutters
- Hot glue and hot glue gun
- Ribbon in matching color for hanging
First, think about where your main decorations are (in the examplebeautiful snowflakes) would like to attach to the Christmas door wreath. Leave this area blank for now. Then spread the fir or periwinkle here and there and more to the side around it, which you have previously cut into smaller pieces with wire pliers. Then place all the other decorations between and around the branches.
Once you are happy with the composition, you can fix it with hot glue so that nothing can slip. You don't have to worry about gaps between the decorations, because you can now fill them with the balls. Attach them little by little and take a look at the Christmas door wreath every now and thenin Silberand red to get an overall impression. You shouldn't overfill the Christmas door wreath with balls, but you shouldn't make it too bare either.
It is advisable to have a few decorations on hand so that you can touch up a few areas at the end if necessary. Last but not least, tie a nice ribbon and you can hang it up.
Version in white
If you want a modern Christmas decoration, you can design the Christmas door wreath in white. White is oneTrend color when it comes to Christmasgoes. This also applies to the Christmas tree, so white Christmas door wreaths complement it perfectly. If you would like to make the Christmas door wreath modern, you can use the following materials:
- white wreath
- Any artificial branches in subtle pastel tones
- small houses (or other decoration)
- artificial berry branches
- small decorative fir trees
- Blumendraht
- Hot glue
- optional: white, green and red acrylic paint, brush and toothbrush
If you can't find suitable houses, you can also make your own out of cardboard and paint them or use other decorations. Whatever decoration you choose, you can make it look wintery by picking up white paint with a toothbrush and splattering it on the decoration. To do this, simply run a finger over the bristles. Glitter can also be used.
Now take the berry branches and fir trees. If you want, you can also decorate them with white paint to match the color of the Christmas door wreath. Paint the branches white and the berries red, green and white, adding splatters on the berries as desired. Lightly brush over the with a brushBranches of fir treesto give them a snowed-in look too.
Now you can distribute all the elements on the wreath. Don't glue them down yet, just arrange them until you're happy with how they're put together. Then tie all the elements with the wire and then fix them with a few drops of hot glue here and there.
Checkered door wreath with Christmas trees in small format
- Styroporkranz
- checked fabric
- white fringe wool
- artificial mini Christmas trees (for snow globes)
- Wooden slices
- Ribbon in matching color
- Stick advantage
- black marker pen
- Fabric scissors
- Hot glue
If you would like to make this Christmas door wreath yourself, first cut the fabric into strips that are ready enough to wrap around the wreath. Then place them taut and lengthwise across the wreath. At the back, pin the fabric with pins. In this way you cover about two thirds of the wreath. Then wrap the free part with the yarn. Its fringed look gives the wreath the appearance of being covered in snow. Tie the twine onto the back of your Christmas door wreath.
Then glue the trees onto the yarn. Then labelthe wooden discswith any words to put together a Christmas saying. It doesn’t necessarily have to be “Let it Snow” like in the example. Feel free to come up with something different for your Christmas door wreath. When you make the Christmas wreath, you can also paint pictures on the wooden discs instead of writing on them.
Simple option with lighting
You can also get a modern Christmas door wreath with this idea, for which you have a wreath of lightscraft for Christmas. You also need:
- Metal wreath in silver or white
- Frosted Christmas tree balls in at least two different sizes
- Fairy lights with white cable and light (about 60 light bulbs)
- Cable ties, wire, string or similar to tie the lights on
- Hot glue
- Ribbon, string or hook for door hanging
You should make the Christmas door wreath with LED fairy lights with batteries if you want to hang it outside on the door. Use oneordinary fairy lights,Not only do you need a socket nearby, but you also have an unsightly cable hanging.
Then insert the cable into the wreath. Make sure the lights are evenly spaced and facing different directions. Tie the beginning and end of the cable to the metal ring, as well as other places here and there. Remove the metal parts from theChristmas tree ballsand begin gluing them to the wreath with the opening facing down. Alternate the sizes and do not use the glue too sparingly.
Now tie another ribbon. You can also hang the wreath directly on a hook. Then just switch on the fairy lights and your Christmas door wreath is illuminated in an extremely effective way.
Tipp:If you can't find frosted balls, you can also use transparent ones for the Christmas door wreath and matt them on glass with a special spray for an ice effect.
Make a natural Christmas door wreath
Would you like to make a natural Christmas door wreath yourself? Then this Christmas door wreath is just right for you! You will need the following materials:
- Grapevine wreath (in the example 45 cm diameter)
- Pine branches
- Blumendraht
- different green
- Wire cutters
- fresh flowers
- St. John's wort berries
- Hanging ribbon
- optional: water tube
For theDIY Christmas door wreathFirst think about which area you would like to design. In the example, the left side was decorated, but you can also cover the entire wreath with the green. Then simply factor in more materials. First, tie the pine branches with the wire. It's best to cut several 10 to 12 cm long pieces of wire in advance so that you have them on hand. You can simply trim side branches that are too long and tend to spoil the look.
Then distribute the remaining greens and berries. It's best to add the flowers at the end. All of theseNatural materials for the wreathYou can also add water tubes so that they stay fresh longer. As soon as they wither (the pine branches last extremely long), you can simply replace them and use the Christmas door wreath throughout the winter.
If you want, you can add any other elements. Small Christmas tree balls, for example, are well suited. But alsoother Christmas decorationscan be used if this arrangement is not festive enough for you. There are no limits to your imagination.
Design with pink felt
- 5 sheets of felt in pink
- 1 sheet of white felt
- Grapevine wreath with a diameter of 30 cm
- 3 golden poinsettia flowers
- Papier
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- Ballpoint pen
The perfect arrangement for oneChristmas decorations in goldor pink: If you want to make this beautiful Christmas door wreath, you will need a stencil with which you can draw the leaf shapes. To do this, simply draw an oval leaf shape on the paper (about 2.5 cm long) and cut it out. Using this template, transfer the shape onto the pink felt about 80 times and cut it out again. Repeat the same thing with the white felt, except you only need about 8 of them.
Now use these leaves to create two rows on the wreath that point in opposite directions and overlap each other. Here and there use a white sheet instead of a pink one. This way the Christmas door wreath doesn't become too monotonous. Once the whole wreath is covered, add the three flowers and you're done. Lots of great onesChristmas decorations are made with feltpossible.
With pink and pink pine cones
- Metal clothes hanger
- Pine cones
- any Christmas tree decorations
- Eucalyptus branches or fir branches
- Pink and hot pink spray paint
- copper wire
- Hot glue
Another lovely pink Christmas door wreath idea is this one. If you would like to make your own Christmas wreath, first bend the clothes hanger into a ring. This does not have to be perfectly formed as it will not be visible later. Then spray the pine cones (preferably outdoors) with the colors. Once the first layer has dried, we recommend a second layer so that the colors cover better.
As soon as thePine cones for decorationOnce they are well dried, attach them to the ring, alternating colors. Make sure the tenons also touch each other. Then fix them together with hot glue. Add here and theretrendy Christmas tree decorationsand finally wrap the eucalyptus or fir branches around the metal ring. Tie them here and there with wire.
You can bend the hook backwards and use it for hanging or you can cut it off with wire pliers and tie a nice ribbon to the Christmas door wreath instead. If you use the hanger hook, we recommend wrapping it with ribbon or other decorations to make it more beautiful.