Crafting with detergent bottles: flower pots, vases or storage baskets made quickly

Do you also like to create interesting things from empty packaging? That's great, because not only is it fun to see how something inconspicuous turns into something new and interesting, you're also doing something good for the environment - one less piece of waste! If you use liquid detergent, you can also reuse the bottles afterwards.

Making crafts with detergent bottles isn't actually that difficult. However, it is not for small children because you use a cutter to cut it. The little ones could only help you with the design.

Elephant as a flower pot or storage basket

Those:@crafts525/ TikTok

In principle, you just need to know where exactly to cut and you will get a wide variety of shapesfrom the plastic bottle. So before you start cutting, draw the shape you want with a marker. For this project you'll essentially be using the entire bottle.

  • The bottom part will be the pot/basket for storage.
  • Conjure up the elephant from the top part of the bottle.
  • The handle turns into a trunk. For this reason, you should choose a suitable detergent bottle. The more bulbous it is and the wider the handle, the better.
  • Cut a hole in the bottom through which the lid fits.
  • Place the bottom part on the neck of the bottle and screw the lid tight. This way the pot stays firmly on the elephant.

Make dispensers for garbage bags with detergent bottles

Those:@yoyo_7292/ TikTok

This garbage bag dispenser is doubly practical. Not only does it have a slot from which you can pull out individual bags, but there is also plenty of space behind it for several rolls. This also makes it possible to create the dispenser for several bag sizes: Instead of one slot, simply add two more. Then you can store trash bags, breakfast bags and others.

  • Detergent bottle
  • Marker
  • Cutter
Those:@yoyo_7292/ TikTok

Make the bag dispenser with detergent bottles:

  • You only need the bottom part of the bottle. You can determine how high this should be based on the longest roll of garbage bags that you want to store in it later. So be guided by that. The aim is for them to disappear completely into the dispenser and for there to be a certain distance between the edge and the slot for removal.
  • Mark the selected height around the bottle.
  • Draw a wave pattern on one of the two long sides. You can use the lid to help you draw semicircles. This will later be the front of the dispenser.
  • Extend the wave pattern to the two short sides.
Those:@yoyo_7292/ TikTok
  • On the back you only need two of these semicircles that contain the holes for hanging.
  • Add the desired number of slots.
  • Cut along the markings to remove the top of the bottle, as well as to create the hanging holes and slot.
  • If you want, you can also cut out flowers from the leftover plastic and decorate the bag dispenser with them.
  • The markings that are still visible should be easily removed with either water or, if using a waterproof marker, nail polish remover or alcohol.
@yoyo_7292Don’t throw away the empty detergent bottle,make a simple storage box with me#wasteutilization #bottle#DIY#fpy#StorageBox#recycling#learnontiktok ♬ Living is – Jinyoung Hong

Textured vase with acrylic paints and baking soda

Those:@decodesignshop/ TikTok

An upcycling project couldn’t be easier! The simple white makes the vase particularly elegant, even though it is made of simple plastic. You canfor your DIY vaseFeel free to experiment with other colors. How about gold, for example? You can get the interesting texture using simple baking soda following these instructions:

  • white detergent bottle
  • white acrylic paint
  • Baking soda
  • Bowl
  • Sponge brush
Those:@decodesignshop/ TikTok

Like you the vase tinker with detergent bottles:

  • Remove any labels thoroughly. The detergent bottle should be cleaned and, above all, dry before painting.
  • Mix the acrylic paint with baking soda in a bowl to create a crumbly consistency that should later be visible on the bottle.
  • Dip the sponge brush into the paint and dab it generously over the surfaces of the bottle.
  • Once the paint is gone, dip the brush back in and continue.
  • Repeat this until the entire plastic bottle is covered.
  • Once the paint has dried, you can put flowers inside.Especially dried flowersand grasses look stunning in it.

Plant basket with flower stems

Those:@handmade231220/ TikTok

You can use this basket for planting as well as to store small things.

  • Mark the shape as shown. It doesn't necessarily have to be a fence pattern. You can also come up with something else.
  • Then cut off the top part. A flower stem should emerge from the handle.
  • Poke drainage holes in the bottom of the bottom part (if this is going to be a flower pot).
Those:@handmade231220/ TikTok
  • Cut a few large, rounded petals into the stem.
  • Take a plastic strip from the top part of the bottle that you removed and cut it many times to create fringes.
  • Roll up the fringe strip and tuck it into the flower stem. Complete!
Those:@handmade231220/ TikTok
@handmade231220How to make a flower pot out of a laundry detergent bottle | Easy DIY#diy #handmade #howto #fyp #viral #flowers #learnontiktok ♬ 3:03 PM – Sharou

Cover photo:@crafts525/ TikTok