Especially in winter, it's not easy to keep the children busy at home when the weather is bad. Children aged 3 to 10 quickly lose interest in games. Then creativity is required. If you need inspiration for activities within your own four walls, then we offer you a cool craft idea. We explain how to make you beautifulDecoration for springYou can do it yourself with make-up removal pads. Crafting with cotton pads is fun for parents and children.
Crafts with cotton pads for spring: painting for 3-year-old children
Painting doeschildren of kindergarten agehave fun. However, their fine motor skills are not yet sufficiently developed and they cannot yet draw certain details. In this case there is a simpler alternative. You can use pipettes and food coloring to color cotton pads and draw funny pictures.
To do this, print out several templates for round objects. For example, the following are well suited:
- a turtle (green)
- an apple (red)
- a sun (yellow)
- one mandarin (orange)
- a flower (purple)
- a fish (blue)
- a pig (pink)
Make sure that the motifs are large enough and that a cotton pad fits on them. Glue a white cotton pad to each motif. Then fill three clean jam jars with water and dissolve one of the three primary colors (red, blue or yellow) in each jar. You can then practice using the pipette with the child. To do this, simply first transfer the red color from one mason jar to another using the pipette. Then you can get started:
- First, mix the colors red and yellow in another empty glass to get orange. Mix blue and yellow to get green. Red and blue become purple.
- Now start adding some food coloring to the first cotton pad with the pipette. Dye all the cotton pads like this and let them dry.
- You can then hang the picture in the children's room.
Crafting with cosmetic pads: painting beautiful 3D pictures with 5-year-old children
Even the 5-year-old can do crafting with cosmetic padsChildren have fun. Perhaps the biggest advantage of this method is that it allows you to create beautiful 3D images quickly and easily. At the same time, fine motor skills are promoted. The children practice for the next projects:
- cut out simple shapes
- to glue small details precisely
- to stamp
Place the cardboard on a large tray to protect the work surface from stains.
Make flowers with cotton pads
You can make beautiful flowers with cotton pads. Draw the outline of a tulip flower on the cotton pads and have the child cut it out. Then glue three drinking straws for the flower stems onto white cardboard. Then glue the flowers from cotton pads. Now you can start coloring.
You can then cut out leaves, blades of grass, etc. from white cardboard and embellish the picture.
Make ladybugs out of cotton pads
Children aged 5 will have no problem completing their next craft project. Proceed as follows:
- First, glue three cotton pads onto white cardboard.
- Then color them with red food coloring and let them dry. It may take several hours until the cotton pads are completely dry. So you can start crafting on a rainy afternoon and then put the picture together the next morning.
- Cut a cotton pad in half and stick one half onto a red cotton pad. Now the child can color this half black. Repeat the process to assemble the other two ladybugs.
- Then have the child draw the details with black marker and then glue on the googly eyes.
Making fish with 5 year old children
You can use the same crafting technique to make three cute fish. First glue the cotton pads onto the white cardboard. Then color them orange.
Now you can paint the fish's fins and attach the googly eyes. Finally, you can use a plastic cap from a 2 liter bottle to stamp air bubbles.
Painting trees in the forest with the children
Even if the weather is bad, we don't let it spoil our mood and create a beautiful spring picture. You will need the following materials to paint a forest:
- two cotton pad halves for the clouds
- four cotton pads for the trees
- Cardboard in brown and beige for the tree trunks
- a green marker for the details
- Food colors: yellow, green, red and blue
- four pipettes
Crafting with make-up removal pads: pastime for 7 – 10 year old children
Even more complicated projects can be realized with make-up removal pads. The next craft idea for spring decorations is ideal for elementary school children. You will need green straws, large and small cotton pads, glue, a yellow marker and cotton swabs.
Paint the cotton swab yellow. Then wrap the small cotton pad around the cotton swab and stick it to it. Insert the other end of the cotton swab into a drinking straw. Then wrap the large cotton pad around the small one and stick it to the drinking straw. Make more of these flowers out of cotton pads and arrange them in a vase or jam jar.
Make a sheep with cotton pads
On the Internet you can find many ideas on how to make a sheep out of cotton swabs. We offer you a simple alternative that is perfect for crafting with children on rainy days.
- Cut out the sheep's head from black cardboard. Glue on googly eyes.
- Glue several cotton pads together to assemble the sheep's body.
You can decorate a greeting card with the finished animal figure. You can also cut two holes in the cotton pad and insert a ballpoint pen through them.
If you're looking for ideas on how to keep the kids busy indoors when the weather is bad, then you should definitely include craftschildren of kindergarten agetry out. It's fun, it's super easy and you can make creative seasonal decorations yourself quickly and easily. Whether a 3D picture with spring motifs, a bouquet of flowers or perhaps a cute sheep figurine: these DIY ideas will appeal to both children and adults. They promote fine motor skills and at the same time are not overly complicated. So you can first show the children what they have to do and then let them do the crafts on their own. Of course, it is very important that you first practice using scissors and glue correctly and that you never let the children do crafts without supervision. But you can keep children of different ages busy while cooking, working, or just taking some time for yourself.