When it gets cold outside and the rainy weather no longer allows long walks, then they haveChildren suddenly enjoy crafting again. Autumn colored leaves, acorns and pine cones can be painted, glued together and arranged in bowls as desired. Become made of papercheerful window picturesr made beautiful animal figures sewn from felt. Fox, hedgehog and of course squirrel figures decorate the children's room. If you are one of the craft enthusiasts and are currently looking for new inspiring ideas, then the next article is just right for you. We will explain to you how you can use different materials with theMake squirrels for childrencan.
Make squirrels: cute animal figures made from pine cones and felt
The first craft idea is really easy and suitable even for craft beginners. Make these cute squirrels together with the childrenfrom pine conesand felt. Crafting fun for the whole family is guaranteed! All you need is hot glue, scissors, pine cones and felt in gray, beige, black and brown. If you don't have hot glue at home, you can also use wood glue. If you wish, you can seal the pine cones with wood varnish to make the decoration weatherproof.
Who is this craft idea suitable for?For children aged three and over.
Craft time:Experienced craft enthusiasts can make around 5 pieces per hour.
This is how the squirrels are made:
- First, cut out the details from felt (the head, eyes, nose, tail, arms and legs, as well as the two parts of the glans). You need to first draw templates on paper and then cut out the templates. You can save time by layering several sheets of felt on top of each other, drawing the detail on the top sheet of felt, and then cutting the element from all the sheets of felt at the same time. Optionally, you can simply assign the task to the children.
- If you wish, you can seal the pine cones with wood varnish, so the animal figures are guaranteed to last longer. But first, make sure the pine cones are dry and clean. Only then can you apply the protective varnish with a brush.
- Now all that remains is to glue the individual details onto the pine cones. This is a task for adults as you can get badly burned with the hot glue gun. For safety reasons, never allow children under 6 years of age to work with hot glue. For older children, you should practice using the glue gun first.
Make squirrels: Make cute animal figures out of paper and faux fur with the children
The next craft idea is super simple and suitable even for complete craft beginners. To make the paper squirrels pictured above, you will need brown construction paper, a white marker, fake fur, popsicle sticks, googly eyes, scissors, and wood and paper glue. Cut out the body from the brown construction paper and glue a googly eye on it. Then cut out the tail from the faux fur and glue it to the popsicle stick. Then use a glue gun or glue to attach the body to the popsicle stick.
Make a squirrel: Stylish decoration from toilet paper roll
It's hard to believe that the stylish sugar cones pictured above are made from toilet paper rolls. Colorful wrapping paper quickly turns them into tree trunks. Paper squirrels also decorate the bags. The perfect arrangement for the dining or living room. The afternoon coffee is guaranteed to taste better with a delicious chocolate candy, and the decoration ensures a good mood for young and old alike.
Paint squirrel pictures with watercolors and decorate with autumn leaves
The next craft ideais suitable for children of both kindergarten and school age. First, organize a trip to nature and let the children collect autumn leaves. Beautifully colored leaves can be found in every forest and every park from September onwards. When you get home, you can place it between newspapers and under a stack of books. Allow the fall leaves to dry at room temperature for two days. Then, using watercolors, paint a squirrel (optionally you can print out a template and paint it) without a tail. Glue the autumn leaves so that they resemble a tail. Frame the finished picture and hang it in the living room. It looks particularly effective if you arrange the picture above the mantel together with other home accessories in gold and yellow.
Make squirrel window pictures with the children
Create a happy atmosphere in your child's room with these colorful window pictures! You will need construction paper in green, brown, yellow, blue, red, white, black and brick red, scissors, pencil, transparent double-sided tape, glue, a cutter and a cutting mat.
And this is how the cheerful window picture is made:
- First measure the window and mark the position of the window image with strips of paper.
- Draw the details on the construction paper with the pencil.
- Then cut out all the details with the cutter or scissors.
- Then get to work gluing and stick the window picture together with the adhesive.
- Then stick the colorful window picture onto the window using double-sided adhesive tape.
Make squirrels: sew cuddly toys out of felt
All children love cuddly toys. Surprise her with a cute squirrel made of soft felt. For this craft idea you only need felt, a craft template, fiberfill or other filling material, sewing thread to match the felt and scissors. You don't necessarily need the felt details for theSew together decorations, but they can also be glued. At the end of the article you will find a free template to print out.
This is how it's done:
- Print out the template and cut it out. Transfer to felt and cut out the details.
- Draw the eyelid with a felt-tip pen.
- Sew the small details onto the large details.
- Sew the two felt details together, leaving a hole.
- Stuff the squirrel through the hole with stuffing and then sew the hole shut.
Disposable plates with magnet
Transform a disposable plate into a real work of art. For this craft idea you will need the following materials: white construction paper, scissors, paper glue, colored pencils, pencil, a disc magnet.
First, draw a tree with autumn leaves and have the children color the drawing with colored pencils.
Attach the disc magnet to the back of the plate.
Cut out several acorns from brown cardboard.
You can attach the acorns to the plate with a stapler or glue them in place. Do not use hot glue, it is not suitable for paper and cardboard.
Draw the squirrel on white construction paper and have the children color the picture. Then cut out the squirrel and glue it to the plate. Complete!
Make a pop-up greeting card with the children
Pomegranate decoration for home or a wedding in autumn or winter
Whether as part of flower arrangements on dining tables or even integrated as an accent in a wedding bouquet - the pomegranate decoration always provides a unique touch and an atmospheric overall impression. The peak season for pomegranates is between September and December. Which are still in February
Are you invited to a children's birthday party? Make a fun and colorful pop-up greeting card with the children.
Optionally, you can also fold the greeting card. There are numerous instructions online for origami squirrels that you can also use as Thanksgiving place cards.
The grandparents are celebrating an anniversary? Surprise her with an imaginative greeting card. Print out the free template found at the end of the article and cut out the tail. Together with the children, color the drawing with watercolors and cut it out. Then brush the children's hands with brown paint and have the child stamp their handprint on white construction paper. Cut out the handprints and use them to make the tail. Glue the tail to the body and you've made a cool greeting card.
You can also knit squirrels and then fill them with fiberfill. You can also make small figures out of nuts and pipe wire. Let your creativity run wild and make artistic autumnal decorations with the children. Just be sure to use scissors and the hot glue gun safely. Never leave small children unsupervised while doing crafts as there is a risk of injury. Babies could even swallow small parts and should therefore not help with crafts.
Do you want to pamper the squirrels in your garden or a park? Build or make one for themFeeding place for the winter!