Making flower studs with children – 6 simple ideas with instructions

Are you looking for the perfect craft idea that will not only brighten up your garden, but also keep your little ones busy at the same time? How about making simple but beautiful flower studs with your children, which you can then use to decorate your flower beds and even the vegetable beds? There are many different variants that you can try out at any time of the year. Prepare for the coming spring in winter with the following craft instructions or use the ideas for spring crafts with children. Even in summer and autumn it is far from too late for DIY with children.

Making flower studs with children – ideas from different materials

Use a wide variety of materials. You can craft with acorns or you can use beads and even craft clay with which you can create any figures or elementstogether with the little onescan produce. Such a project is also great for recycling. So if you still have some things lying around that you really want to throw away, you can now change your mind.

Flowers from lids

For this garden decoration you only need:

  • 7 bottle caps per flower
  • 1 shish kebab skewer per flower (either made of wood or metal)
  • Spray paints and varnishes in any color
  • Paint brush
  • Hot glue gun or other glue

The lids are glued together like a flower using glue. For this purpose, one lid serves as the center and the others are arranged around this lid. Once the glue has dried, the flower can be painted as desired, which the little ones will have a lot of fun with. If you work with spray paint, it is best to do the spraying or equip the child with a protective mask. In addition, spray paint is only used outside. Once the paint has dried, you can attach the skewer.

Instructions with glassware

  • Glass or clear plastic plate
  • small vases made of the same material
  • E6000 glue
  • Ballpoint pen caps
  • Painting colors for glass
  • Shish kebab skewers with a loop that fits into the cap

You can design the underside of the plates and the outside of the vases as you wish. Paint petals or other patterns, then let the paint dry. Use hot glue to glue a cap to the back of each plate and a small vase to the front. Then insert the skewer into the cap and then insert the other end into the bed.

Instead of vases, you can simply use smaller plates and glue them on top of each other, although they should get larger towards the outside. Metal plates or round trays are also wonderful and add a romantic vintage accent to your bed.

Make ladybugs

You can make this cute ladybug out of craft clay, which is particularly fun and easy for children. The best way to get the insects' antennae is to use small pieces of wire. This is also a great idea for spring crafts or if you want to make something for Mother's Day. There are craft clays that harden in the oven, but also ones that air dry. Put the figures on a wooden shish kebab skewer before they harden. If you bake the clay in the oven, either use metal skewers or just pierce a hole with the wooden skewer and only put it back in after baking. You can also make a bumblebee this way. Flower plugs and butterflies can also be made wonderfully as decoration for house and garden plants.

Lollipops for the garden

  • paper plate
  • Zellophan
  • green and red color
  • wooden sticks
  • Band
  • Hot glue or other glue for children

If you want to make these flower studs with children, you have chosen a really simple craft project. You might be surprised at first that cardboard is used as garden decoration, but cellophane protects it from moisture. The paper plates are designed with typical lollipop patterns on the bottom. Two of the plates are then cut and glued together so that a cavity is created and the cuts are in the same place. Insert the wooden stick through the hole created in this way. Then the cellophane is wrapped around the lollipop and tied with a ribbon. You can now put the garden decoration in the bed.

Plug for labeling the vegetable patch

If you would like to teach your children to garden, you can also include this craft idea and combine gardening with crafting fun. After all, the little ones can't yet tell all the vegetables apart based on their plants. It is only an advantage if you make flower arrangements with children and thus create a comfortable overview in the bed. You can use old metal spoons that you decorate with small drawings and lettering that the children themselves draw and write. To do this, draw the respective type of vegetable on a piece of paper and write the name. Of course, the drawing should not be larger than the spoon. Then they are cut out and glued to the spoon using Mod Podge, which is available to buy in the store. The finished works of art are then conveniently placed in the ground.

You can also make connectors of this type in many other ways. An old Scrabble or word game, in which a few letters are missing so that it can no longer be played, can be used to stick vegetables and herbs onto wooden sticks. This is a particularly quick and easy project for children. Be creative and let your imagination run wild.

Garden stakes for every season with beads

If you would like to make such flower studs with children, you will need the following things:

  • Threaded metal rods
  • Nuts to match the rod
  • Cabinet door handles that can be screwed onto the rod
  • Beads with a hole large enough for the rod

Screw a nut onto one end of the rod. You can then attach the beads as you wish and create color patterns and combinations as you wish. Once you have reached the top, leave a sufficiently large gap to which you can screw the handle. The project is now finished and can be used to decorate the beds or flower pots.