Make simple autumn decorations yourself: When natural materials play the main role

Golden yellow leaves, pumpkins and corn cobs: autumn has arrived. The right time to make yourself comfortable at home. We'll explain to you how you can bring nature into your home with seasonal food and a simple wayMake your own fall decorations. Wine red, orange and bright yellow add splashes of color to the interior when it's already gray outside and the days are getting shorter and dreary.

Make simple autumn decorations yourself: floating candles made from pumpkins

The first idea becomes the dining tableautumnal notelend. You need a metal vessel, preferably with a vintage look, decorative pumpkins, tea lights and autumn leaves. Use a sharp knife to hollow out the decorative pumpkins and insert the tea lights into them. Fill the container with about 4-5 cm of water. Scatter autumn leaves and flowers around the “floating candles”. The beautiful autumn decoration is ready. Tip: Never leave candles burning without supervision!

Make simple autumn decorations under a glass hood

The park, the forest and your own garden are true decorative treasure troves for craft enthusiasts. For the next oneFor this craft idea you only need natural materials, which you can effectively stage under a glass hood. Try to combine different colors. Place a layer of moss on the bottom of the glass dome. Stick a red oak branch with red leaves into the moss. Choose a few small nutmeg pumpkins to arrange around the tree branch. Complete!

Simple fall decorations with pumpkins

They have several small oneswhite pumpkinsleft over and wondering how you can use it to make a beautiful fall decoration yourself? Turn them into “jam jars.” You need scraps of checked fabric, jam jar lids, paints, an apple stencil, a brush and a sharp knife. Cut a hole in the center of the lid. Insert the pumpkin stem through. Drape the plaid fabric under the lid and tape it in place. Place the stencil on the pumpkin and paint an apple.

Make simple fall decorations yourself: nuts and wheat stalks in a jar

Dried Chinese lantern flowers, hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts and walnuts play the main role in the next arrangement. Fill a jar halfway with different types of giant nuts. Insert wheat stalks between the nuts and wrap the wheat stalks with a 5 cm wide strip of cuff paper (floral supplies). Display the jar on a wooden kitchen tray. You can additionally decorate the tray with autumn leaves.

Make autumn decorations yourself: Simple idea for the living room

If you are one of the lucky owners of a fireplace and have a basket or bucket for the firewood, then you can decorate it for autumn. Simply stick autumn leaves between the firewood and drape a string of lights in the basket. Even if the fireplace isn't burning, you can enjoy a “campfire” in your own living room.

Make autumn decorations quickly and easily: color autumn leaves

Do you have several tree branches with autumn leaves and would you like to make a beautiful autumn decoration yourself? Then you can really use the next DIY idea. You need several acrylic sprays in different warm metallic colors: from beige to gold to copper and bronze. Line the work surface with newspaper. Since the acrylic sprays have a strong smell, it is best to spray the fall leaves outside. If that doesn't work, you can choose a well-ventilated room and leave the windows open. The garage is also a good option, as long as the garage door is open and fresh air comes into the room. Now spray the autumn leaves with the spray and then paint the branches black. Alternatively, you can tape the branches with paper tape. Let the paint dry well overnight and arrange the tree branches in vintage vases or glasses.

Make simple autumn decorations: autumn leaves under a glass hood

We have already explained to you how you can make a stylish autumn decoration yourself quickly and easily under a glass hood. But it's even faster. Individual autumn leaves can also be staged very effectively under a glass hood. Try different variations and combine red, yellow and brown autumn leaves for maximum impact. To prevent the autumn leaves from becoming moldy, you should first place them on newspaper and let them dry for a day or two.

Simply make your own table decorations for autumn: convert old tin cans into vases

Do you love the vintage living style? Then you will definitely like the next decoration idea. Use old tin cans (best for food) instead of vases. You are guaranteed to bring a vintage touch into your own four walls. You can buy ready-made autumn arrangements and put them in a tin can or make a flower arrangement yourself from seasonal cut flowers, pine cones and leafy greens. If you want to make the arrangement yourself, you should first line the walls of the can with cling film. Then cut the floral foam to size, fill lukewarm tap water into a container and place the floral foam in the water. Wait a few minutes until the floral foam has soaked up water and remove it from the water. Place the floral foam in the can and arrange the flowers however you like.

Simple autumn decoration with vintage greeting cards

Hand-painted postcards or vintage images of autumn landscapes give even a simple autumn arrangement that certain something. You can buy such greeting cards online or you can also download and print a picture and stick it on old-fashioned construction paper. You can color the paper with black tea and “age” it. Together with acorns, decorative pumpkins and other natural finds, the postcard looks particularly beautiful.

Simple table decoration for autumn: Simple arrangement with corn cobs and wheat stalks

You invited family members over for lunch and took longer than planned to prepare the dishes. Are you now missing the right autumn decorations to create a good atmosphere and spice up the table? Place wheat stalks on a pie plate and arrange several ears of corn on top. The “Rainbow” variety is particularly decorative. This is a colorful corn that can also be grown in pots.

Autumn decoration for the table: make a cornucopia

A cornucopia fits thematically well with other autumn decorations. Instead of investing heavily in a cornucopia (moss and wire versions are available at most flower shops), you can make your own. You will need wrapping paper with a “world map” print, straw, corn cobs, apples, pears and other seasonal fruit of your choice. Make a cone out of the wrapping paper, place it on the table and fill it with straw, fruit and corn on the cob.

Simple autumn decoration for the table with corn leaves

If you have guinea pigs, then you probably have some dried corn leaves at home. Not only are they suitable for food, you can also use them to make numerous decorations. The quickest and easiest way is to line a cake stand with corn leaves and then arrange seasonal items such as decorative pumpkins, corn cobs, autumn leaves and other long-lasting natural materials on it.

Simple autumn decoration for the entrance to the house: paint the doormat in autumn

If you need a new doormat, then you can choose one with coconut stubble. It can be easily painted with acrylic paints. First, create stencils for different fall motifs (pumpkins, fall leaves, etc.). By the way, such stencils are available in most craft shops if you want to save yourself the trouble. Then place the stencils on the doormat and secure them with pins. Apply the acrylic paints with a flat brush, let them dry for a few minutes and then remove the stencil. Allow the doormat to dry in a warm, well-ventilated room for a day or two. Then you can put them on your doorstep.

A successful fall decoration doesn't necessarily have to be laborious and demanding. Often you only need a few ingredients from your own garden, which you can arrange creatively. This means you can create beautiful autumnal ensembles for the table, the mantel or the windowsill in no time.