60 scroll saw templates for animal puzzles – download for free

Tips for safe handlingthescroll saw

Good knowledge of the function of the scroll saw is the most important prerequisite for successful and safe work. The feeling for the right cutting speed, the preferred material and the special features of different shapes should be trained. Once you have mastered the beginning and achieved success with a little practice, working with the scroll saw can become “infectious”.

When working with a classic fretsaw, you have to move both the workpiece to be processed and the saw. The associated effort can be quite considerable. When sawing with a scroll saw, however, you only have to guide the workpiece correctly through the saw blade. The saw blade is driven by a motor and cuts the workpiece. This allows you to achieve particularly precise results that are impossible with the good old fretsaw. The power tool simplifies woodworking and also reduces the time required. The physical strain is minimal.