If the body's acid-base balance is out of balance, this can happenfatigue,Lack of energyandgeneral malaiselead. In naturopathy we speak of onelatent Acidosis. Two factors now play a particularly important role in bringing the body back into balance:die Nutrition and stress reduction. We explain how you can recognize hyperacidity and what natural countermeasures you should take.
Forms of acidification
First of all, it is important to distinguish between themetabolic acidosis, therespiratory acidosisand thelatent acidosisin a naturopathic sense. Metabolic acidosis is a metabolic acidification of the blood, which occurs, for example, in connection with diabetes or kidney failure. Respiratory acidosis occurs due to problems with breathing. In both cases these are serious illnesses that require medical treatment.Learn more about the different forms of acidosis and the underlying diseases in this article from Ärzteblatt.
How do I recognize hyperacidity?
In naturopathy, we also speak of hyperacidity when it is not noticeable in the blood. Instead, this isconnective tissue acidified. This latent acidosis is considered the cause of aSeries of non-specific complaintsviewed. So it is believed that they are consideredchronic fatigueandgeneral malaiseshows. In order to diagnose such chronic hyperacidity, naturopaths and alternative practitioners rely on:pH value of urine.
Nutrition as an influential factor
Supporting the acid-base balance in a naturopathic sense begins with hyperaciditycorrect Nutrition. Hyperacidification is promoted by excessive consumption of meat, sausage, dairy products and other protein sources. Consuming alkaline-rich foods can contribute to theBalance acids in the body. Nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit are particularly suitable.
The so-called PRAL valueindicates how acidic or alkaline a food is considered to be. PRAL stands for Potential Renal Acid Load and the higher the value, the higher the acid load. A negative PRAL value, on the other hand, refers to foods with excess alkaline content that balance acids and relieve the strain on the kidneys. Popular examples of alkaline foods include:
- Spinach
- Zucchini
- Green beans
- eggplant
- Bananas
- Apricots
- Milk
- mineral water
For onealkaline dietshouldacid-forming Groceries reducedandbasic Groceries increasedbe consumed. The consumption of coffee and alcohol, animal fats or saturated fatty acids and trans fats as well as sugar has no influence on theAcid-base balanceHowever, if you have a healthy, balanced diet, you should avoid it as much as possible. For a long-term change in lifestyle towards a balanced diet, it is a good idea to gradually introduce and reinforce new habits in small, easy-to-implement steps. Natural helpers such as alkaline teas, certain dietary supplements and alkaline powders can also be useful - this is especially true in the initial phase of changing your diet.
More exercise, less stress
In addition to changing your diet, important steps for maintaining health include other measures for a generally improved, healthier lifestyle. The focus is in this regardMovementandStress relief.
Exercising regularly can help reduce stress. But be careful: the rule here is not: the more, the better. Instead, it is important to keep the right amount so that the sport itself does not become a stress factor. In addition, intense physical exertion can cause the muscles to become acidic. Regular but moderate training is better,lange Walks,Hikes,Cycling toursorlitter Swimming sessions.
Reduce stress specifically
Stress has an influence on our body that should not be underestimated. While it pushes us in the short term and is sometimes even important, chronic stress can lead to numerous problems. Active measures to manage stress, for exampleMeditation,Breathing exercisesorYoga, can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, phases of relaxation are important, not least as a balance to the recommended moderate physical activity.
Tipp: A good thing to support the acid-base balance is going to the sauna. A sauna session stimulates your metabolism and thus the breakdown of metabolic products.
Get enough and good sleep
Sufficient Sleepand a regular sleep schedule are important for overall health. What is primarily important is that the sleep is of high quality. With this in mind, it is worth adjusting your sleep routine and sleep hygiene. This should be done right before bednot a heavy mealtaken and upScreen timebe avoided immediately before sleeping. The bedroom becomes a space of peace and relaxation. Relaxation techniques can help you find peace more quickly and better.
How do you fall asleep quickly? The 4-7-8 method is a simple breathing technique that has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep. You can find out more about thisin this article here.