Painting autumn pictures with watercolors: Creative painting and stamping techniques for children and adults

When the rain hits the window outside again, we make ourselves comfortable at home. So that the children don't get bored on the weekend or during the holidays, we keep them creative and paint beautiful autumn pictures with watercolors! With the next five simple stamping techniques and painting ideas, autumn leaves, trees, acorns and other popular natural motifs can be created quickly and easily.

Paint colorful autumn leaves with watercolors and masking pens

Watercolor painting is a valuable form of expression for children in elementary school. Various painting ideas can be realized quickly and easily with watercolors. The method allows creativity to run wild, promotes fine motor skills and improves concentration. Below we will explain how you can paint colorful autumn leaves with masking pens. You need:

  • Watercolors
  • Masking pen (Schmincke masking pens, for example, are well suited)
  • Watercolor paper (at least 250 g/m² paper weight) with medium, rough grain
  • Aquarellpinsel
  • Water
  • Mixed palette
  • Eraser
  • tape
  • Glitter (if desired)
Photo: Instagram /brighterdaypress

1. First, fix the watercolor paper on the work surface with adhesive tape to prevent the sheet from curling or slipping while painting.

2. Then take the masking pen and roughly sketch the desired motif. You can either draw the autumn leaves freehand or use an autumn leaf as a template. Maple leaves, for example, work well. By the way, this task is still too difficult for most primary school children, so parents have to help with the drawing.

Foto: Instagram / brighterdaypress

3. Now you can do twoPainting techniques with the childrentry out. In the “wet-on-dry” technique, the dry paper is painted with diluted paint. With the “wet-on-wet” technique, you first wet the paper and then apply paint. This creates beautiful color gradients.

4. If you wish, you can also decorate the autumn leaves with glitter. Allow the image to dry and then carefully remove the masking fluid with an eraser.

Painting a tree with primary school children: 4 techniques

With the next stamps the children can design their autumn pictures particularly creatively. We offer you four easy painting ideas with watercolors.

Paint window pictures with cotton swabs

Photo: Instagram /thekindiecorner

Keeping small children occupied is not an easy task. Luckily, the next painting idea is fun for the whole family. You need:

  • Watercolors
  • cotton swab
  • Aquarellpapier
  • Scissors
  • possibly template
  • scotch tape (double-sided)
Photo: Instagram /thekindiecorner

1. First paint the treetop and tree trunk. Children of primary school age can easily draw a tree trunk with several branches, and a template can be printed out for small children.

2. Then select or mix the desired autumn nuances. You will need a cotton swab for each color. Dip the cotton swabs in water and then in watercolors and stamp colorful autumn leaves.

3. Allow the watercolors to dry. Then cut out the trees and attach them to the window with double-sided tape.

Quick and easy: stamp with natural materials

Photo: Instagram /one_little_project

Natural materials can alsoused as a stampbecome. Vegetables such as celery, broccoli or potatoes are ideal for this purpose. You will need watercolors, a flat brush and kitchen towels. Proceed as follows:

Photo: Instagram /zippikidscorner

1. First paint the tree trunk with several branches.

2. Using a damp brush, generously apply one or more colors to the stamp head. Stamp colorful autumn leaves.

3. When changing colors, it is recommended to wipe the stamp with a kitchen towel.

Autumn pictures with watercolors: painting technique with toilet rolls

Photo: Instagram /one of them

Would you like to paint beautiful autumn leaves but don't have a template? No problem. All you need for your next DIY idea is a toilet paper roll and watercolors.

First paint a branch. Then take the toilet paper roll, press it lightly on one side and secure the resulting leaf shape with a rubber band. Then hold the roll at one end and dip the other side in watercolor. Then stamp the autumn leaves. Now you can completely fill in the leaves with color. You can also create gradients and shade the watercolor colors from brown to red and green to yellow.

Painting with a sponge

Photo: Instagram /studio_rosie

The next painting technique is ideal for children in elementary school. You can easily create a color gradient using a pot sponge. You also need the following materials:

  • Watercolors
  • Aquarellpapier
  • a flat brush
  • Water
  • Cloth

The procedure is very simple: put some paint on a damp sponge and then spread it on the paper. Now you need to wash the sponge well and then apply another color. This creates a beautiful tree crown.

Handprint images with autumn motifs

Photo: Instagram /moretwo

The next pictures are created in no time and are then a beautiful memory later. Acorns in particular can be wonderfully conjured up from handprints. To make the handprint works of art, you will need the following materials:

  • Watercolors
  • Document
  • Aquarellpapier
  • a glass of water
  • a flat brush
  • black fineliner

First, paint the entire hand by applying the color richly. Press your hand onto the watercolor paper (fingers should point downward). Then paint acorn hats with dark brown watercolor and let them dry. Then you can paint the face and other details with the fineliner.

Painting pumpkins with children in elementary school

Photo: Instagram /thishappynanny

The last idea is super simple and is perfect asEmployment on rainy weekends. You will need a large apple, a knife, watercolors, a thick and flat brush (alternatively you can use an old powder brush), watercolor paper, orange and green watercolor paint, a black fineliner.

First, cut the apple in half. The cutting surface should be completely straight so that beautiful pumpkin impressions are created. Then paint the cut surfaces richly with orange watercolor and then press the stamp onto the watercolor paper. Wait until the paint is completely dry and paint a face.

Titelfoto: Instagram /brighterdaypress