Bumblebees are considered harbingers of spring in Naturals. The homemade hummers with cute faces are sure to put a smile on the faces of anyone passing by. You can use this to decorate the children's room or the entrance area. Enrich your child with this great idea and support them with their crafts. They fit perfectly into spring decorations for inside and outside, why not use them for children's birthdays and parties. We present 5 imaginative DIY projects with instructions and the materials for them are extremely affordable.
Make cute bumblebees with children: made of papier-mâché
Anyone who has ever tried crafting with paper mache knows very well that it is very easy and the costs are extremely cheap. It's really fun and also very suitable for children. Round animals and figures can be made relatively easily using a balloon as a framework. Things get a little more difficult with large figures. You can use different types of paper to make paper mache - from toilet paper to old newspapers to page paper. The paper should be shredded into pieces - depending on how large the product will be, smaller pieces will require careful, detailed work. You will also need wallpaper paste or a low-viscosity glue solution, as well as a balloon. The funny animal is finally painted in yellow and black and here we recommend working with acrylic paints. You can make the wings out of wire or tissue paper and attach them on top with hot glue.
Craft idea with wine corks
For the next two DIY projects you will primarily need wine corks. Then you should also have acrylic paints – yellow and black – on hand. You will also need them for the first instructionssmall Styrofoam balls, a bit of paper and for the second – fishing line, twigs, pins, wire. You will soon find the two instructions step by step.
Instructions for wine corks and Styrofoam balls
To make the body of a small bumblebee like this, you will need a wine cork, a small Styrofoam ball and some toilet paper or white napkins. Hollow out the ball so that 1/4 of the wine cork can fit inside. Fix with glue and note that hot glue and acetone-based adhesives will melt the Styrofoam. Then take the paper and shred it into small pieces. Using a brush or foam brush, first apply wallpaper paste to the Styrofoam ball and cover it very well with pieces of paper, then apply it downwards to the cork body. You can put as many layers of paper on top of each other as you want. 2 – 3 are enough and it doesn’t have to be more. Now let it dry for a few hours, preferably overnight.
When the paper is completely dry, you can start coloring. It is best to use acrylic paints because they dry quickly and have intense colors. First paint everything yellow and then draw a few black stripes, which are typical of a bumblebee. For the antennas, insert two small pieces of wire and black wire. Tie a knot on one side and insert the wire into the yarn. Now fix the feelers on your head with light pressure.
Mobile made from natural materials
In this DIY project you will make a few bumblebees that you will later hang on a mobile. You make the mobile yourself from natural materials and the additional parts, such as pins and wire, can certainly be found lying around in every house. Now take 4 – 5 wine corks and paint them in yellow and black. During this time, prepare three pins for each wine cork - two white and one red. When the paint is dry, press the pins on one side of the wine cork to create the eyes and nose.
Make the wings out of wire or a sturdy string. Bend the material into the desired shape and secure it to the bumblebee's back with hot glue. Try to make the wings playful so that they are not all the same. This brings a little more movement into the entire design of the mobile. Now you need to insert the fishing line. Tie them to the wings first, leaving enough length. In the meantime, take a few fresh twigs and garnish them. Decorate with dry or artificial flowers as desired. If you have also found some decorative sunflowers, they will fit perfectly with the yellow and black bumblebee design. You can attach these with fishing line. It is hardly visible, but very strong and is ideal for such purposes. An embroidery ring can also be used as a framework for the wreath. These are available in different sizes and are mostly made of wood, which would go very well with the bumblebees made of wine corks.
When the wreath is ready, tie it with fishing line on three sides and fix in the middle. This is easy to do if you cut two pieces first. One should be twice as long as the other. Mark three points on the wreath with equal distances between them. There you tie the fishing line. Tie the longer piece with both ends at two of the marked points. Connect the shorter one with one end to the wreath and with the other in the middle of the first fishing line. At this point, tie a third string that you can use to hang the mobile from the ceiling or somewhere else.
You can also tie the self-made bumblebees made of Viennese corks to places you choose. Just make sure that the little buzzers keep the mobile balanced. Experiment with the length of the fishing line. It also has a meaning. Feel free to add other matching elements such as beads, feather, colorful bows and ribbons. Design this imaginative mobile individually and playfully with your child.
Cute bumblebees can be imaginatively made from very different little things. After we've shown you how you can make some out of Viennese corks, we'll introduce this really fun variant. This example is really unusual, but also very practical. Here the yellow capsules from the surprise eggs find a new use - as the bodies for the bumblebees. Apart from a few Ü-Ei capsules, you don't need much - just some black pipe cleaners.
Bend the pipe cleaners around the U-egg capsule and knot tightly on one side. Do the same thing three times in total so that three black stripes are created. Tie them all on the same side and cut off the remaining pieces of pipe cleaners to within 0.5 cm. This is how the little feet of the bumblebees come about. For the characteristic bumblebee antennae, cut a piece of pipe cleaner and pass it under the first strip, wrap once and shape nicely into antennae.
Make your bumblebees more likeable by drawing eyes and a smile on them. You can use a black permanent marker, but you can also attach self-adhesive facial features. The cute hummers will definitely look funny if you attach two googly eyes to each one. Make friendly wings out of tissue or tracing paper. If you don't have pipe cleaners on hand, you can bend the antennae out of regular wire and make the strips out of black tape.
If you want to use your self-made bumblebees decoratively, the imaginative wall decoration will definitely look more complete with a beehive or at least honeycombs. You can easily create the appearance of one yourself from toilet paper rolls. Cut them into rings of the same size, about 3 cm wide. Now bend and shape the rings into hexagons or honeycombs. Color in yellow or orange and arrange them close together to create a relatively even structure. Now you have made a beautiful, decorative honeycomb yourself.
You can hang a few of the cute little bumblebees somewhere in the room using transparent fishing line. But if you have made a honeycomb, put it on the wall and arrange the honeycombs around it. You can stick a few of them into the honeycombs and secure them in place with double-sided adhesive tape or a bit of hot glue. Let one or two bumblebees float into the air under the honeycomb.
Great idea for party decorations
If you need a fresh idea for atmospheric decoration for a children's party or children's birthday party, the following is our suggestion. Make some bumblebees using one of the instructions above. Also get 3-4 yellow paper balls, if none of that color can be found, go for white or orange. These paper balls are also known as Japan balls and are usually found under the lampshades in lighting shops. Ikea also has some.
Make a bee board that you can later place somewhere in the middle of the room. For this you will need lots of yellow paper. First create a honeycomb template and cut several identical hexagons. Arrange them nicely on the board and fix them in the specific places with double-sided adhesive tape. Try to playfully reproduce the honeycomb and attach a few of the self-made bumblebees to the board.
You can also decorate the paper ball with the funny hummers that you made earlier. Complete with accessories and decorations such as balloons, garlands, banners and others in the themed colors of yellow and black.