The best plants for sunny locations in the garden

Yes, now it's happeninghotoutside – and in keeping with the beautiful summer weather, we offer you the top 6Plants for sunny locationsin the garden!

Plants for sunny locations – Mexican feather grass (Nassella tennissima)

See the Mexican feather grass - one of the bestPlants for sunny locationsin the garden? I planted it in late spring and I'm happy to say it is thriving this summer. This grass, which comes from Texas and Mexico, is rather short-lived, but when planted in groups it is abundant! It is very tolerant of drought but sensitive to wet conditions, making it well suited to well-drained and sandy soils. Yes folks, you only need to water this plant occasionally when its roots are well established. See how green that grass looks in the photo above? As more time passes, it will acquire a golden hue and give your garden a magnificent look.
Not only is Mexican feather grass extremely easy to care for, its calm presence is enhanced when the wind blows. When its slender leaves move, it creates a modern look in contemporary outdoor spaces.

Plants for sunny locations – Backyard planted with Mexican feather grass

Plants for sunny locations – Silver Rain (Silver Falls Dichondra)

I'm a bit obsessed with Silver Falls dichondra. Maybe it's the way this plant shimmers in the sunlight or the way it cascades over the edges of walls and planters. It's a ground cover with a magical feel! Below we see “Silver Falls” Dichondra in the rocky soil of my front yard.
This hanging plant is silver, blue, green in colors. It's hard to believe that something so adorable could also be heat and drought tolerant! Yes, Silver Rain loves good, sunny conditions and I have planted it in three of my planting containers where it does absolutely well.
Speaking of plant containers, there is nothing like the thick curtain of foliage this plant produces, cascading over the edge of the planters like a waterfall. The name couldn't be more perfect! Silver shower, great, isn't it?

Climbing plants that love the sun - Silver Rain

Perfect for the southern natural stone wall

Plants for sunny locations – Dwarf Holly – Heckzwerg S

With its dense leaves and low growth, the dwarf holly is the ideal alternative to decorative boxwood hedges. If you're looking for something like this for your garden, you definitely won't regret your decision! This sun-loving plant is perfect for modern and classic outdoor spaces. The vigorous Ilex has dark green, shiny leaves and is striking in its beauty. At the age of 10 it reaches a width and height of 30 cm, provided you don't cut it back. The “Heckenzwerg” S prefers a sunny location. It is hardy up to 22 degrees C.

Extremely easy to care for and heat-resistant plants

The dwarf holly as an alternative to other hedge plants

This drought tolerantplantis an attractive contrast to cacti and other native grasses.
Below is a closer look at the leaves of the dwarf holly in my backyard. Well, how do you find them? Don't all plants look wonderful?

For dry soil – cactus

Ah, the cactus – it’s one of the bestPlants for sunny locations! It tolerates heat and drought wonderfully, and with so many varieties to choose from, you can create interesting groups outdoors in your garden. They really look remarkable!
It goes without saying that cacti don't need a lot of water. Many people water them about once a week, but this depends on the conditions of the location. Consider the condition of the soil and try not to water the cacti when the soil is wet.
Desert cacti love full sun, so don't hesitate to place them right in the middle of a bright spot where the sun shines the most! The cacti in the following picture are placed in concrete pots against a beige wall in my back yard. This wall heats up from the sun, so not many plants can survive here. But these cacti love this location. It helps that the planters are a light color!

Plants for sunny and dry locationsBlue agave

Our next flower is called blue agave. Did you know it is also called the tequila plant? That's because you can get tequila from the distilled juice of blue agave! This plant thrives in hot, dry conditions and its azure leaves are a beautiful counterpart to the green plants that dominate outdoor space. Below we see the blue agave in my front yard.
In fact, blue agave can be a striking contrast to a range of flowers and plants. Blue agave can grow tall! We're talking about 1.8 meters tall, folks. It's hard to believe, yes, but it's true!
Their height and shape make them ideal plants; they can spice up any garden landscape. The blue agave does not need much water, some people only water it once or twice a month depending on the weather. The blue agave can tolerate full sun wonderfully. Mine survived really well even in extreme heat and sunshine.

Plants for sunny and dry locations – Yucca palm

For us, the yucca comes last. Many yucca species are available to us, so the landscape possibilities seem endless. Both white and red yuccas grow really well in my area and add an exotic touch to my outdoor space.
In the picture above we see white yucca, and below is the red one. As shown, this plant makes a magnificent appearance when grouped with others.
Caring for your yucca is easy. These plants love full sun and they require well-drained soil. In other words, definitely do not overwater your yucca! These plants don't need much water! The white yucca plants have sword-shaped leaves, so make sure you wear protective gloves when getting too close and watering them. Yuccas are probably not the best choice for gardens where pets and children play.

Yucca palm in white