Make a crown out of leaves, with or without additional materials + bonus idea for a magic wand

If you're having fun outdoors with the kids, you can top it all off with a quick and easy craft! Let your children collect lots of leaves and then in a moment of peace you can make a crown out of leaves. Alternatively, you can take the leaves home, dry them and then make them into a leaf crown.

Those:@fridasomskar/ Instagram

For this beautiful crown of leaves you really don't need anything other than the leaves. Maple leaves are particularly suitable for this, not only because of their bright colors, but also because their shape goes very well with a crown.

Collect leaves with stems!

  • Take a sheet and fold it in half (lengthwise).
  • Next, take the second leaf and insert the stem through both layers of the first leaf. Make sure that the two sheets overlap.
  • Fold the second one in half lengthwise as well.
  • Repeat these steps with all of the next maple leaves.
  • Every now and then, check whether the length is sufficient by gathering the ends and testing them on your head.
  • Tuck the last leaf through both ends to complete the crown of leaves.

Clip off the leaf stems to stick

Those:@mudnbloom/ Instagram

If folding is too annoying for you, you can make it a little easier by cutting off the stems of the autumn leaves beforehand. Then you can use them to put the individual sheets together and save yourself the hassle of folding them.

Those:@mudnbloom/ Instagram

Leaves confetti can be madethese cool thingsrestore.

With a ribbon as a base

Those:@theunschooledproject/ Instagram

If you want the foliage crown to last longer and be a little more durable, you can also use a ribbon as a base and attach the leaves to it.

  • Collect any leaves you like.
  • Cut a wide ribbon. It should fit around the head and have ends that are still long enough to be tied together comfortably.
  • Place a leaf on the ribbon and let its bottom edge extend slightly over the ribbon. You then fold this excess inwards so that the band is enclosed by the sheet.
Those:@theunschooledproject/ Instagram
  • Staple the tape in place or use any liquid glue (e.g. hot glue).
  • Bring the next sheet in the same way, but it must overlap the previous one. The band should not be visible except at the back of the head.
  • In between, you can test the crown to check whether the length is perhaps not enough.
  • Feel free to decorate the leaves with additional decorations such as rhinestones, pompoms or natural materials such as berries.
Those:@theunschooledproject/ Instagram

Look how you can create one with foliageMake a lion's manecan.

Bonus tip: Make a wand with leaves

Those:@theunschooledproject/ Instagram

Maybe the crown belongs to a fairy queen? Then of course you need a suitable magic wand and ideally this is also made of colorful leaves.

  • Cut a star out of cardboard.
  • Stick it to a stick.
  • Crumble dry leaves in a bowl or in a pile when outside.
  • Apply glue to the star and spread the leaf crumbs over it. Press them lightly.
  • Repeat with the other side of the star.

You could also make a star like this as a decoration for the crown and attach it to the front.

Photo: Tomsickova Tatyana/Shutterstock

You can find more ideas hereCrafts with autumn leaves.