Making paper flowers with children – beautiful ideas and craft instructions

In keeping with spring, we have a great craft idea for you and your children. These are pretty paper flowers that can be made from different types of paper such as crepe paper, construction paper or tissue paper. And since there are endless variations of paper flowers, we have put together a selection of craft instructions that you can use if you want to do crafts with children. When it comes to making paper flowers with children, there are craft ideas for big and small children, so you have free choice. Decorate your home with homemade paper flowers!

Instructions for flower with paper plate

You can do one of these particularly easilyMake a sunflower with paper. You will also need a paper plate that you paint yellow. Paint a piece of paper with red and orange paint. Once the paint has dried, you can make paper flowers with children. Cut strips of paper to glue to the back of the plate. Then cut out the stems and leaves, glue everything onto a sheet and you're done!