Snowman tinkering with children in winter from different materials

As in any other season, you can also conjure up many beautiful handicrafts with the children in winter. These can then be used for an atmospheric decoration of the apartment and certainly ensure a good mood in the run -up to Christmas. The snowman is of course one of the most popular winter motifs, so we chose this motif for the following handicrafts. How can you make a snowman with children and which materials are best for this, you can find out in the article!

Tinker snowman with children and box children

There are countless materialsthat are suitable for tinkering with children. Among them are paper and boxes of particularly popular variants, because you can make almost everything from it and both materials themselves are harmless.

Handicrafts with toilet paper rolls

With toilet paper rolesYou can make a lot of things, especially with the children. Cute snowmen can be designed very easily when the children first paint the toilet rolls in white (if not white) and then decorate with different elements. Mouth, nose and buttons paint with a thin brush and simply use self -adhesive wobble eyes for the eyes. With remains of gift straps, scarves can be made for the snowmen and with a pipe cleaner and mini pompons, the children can create great ear warners.

Girland from snowmen

Together with the children, you can make an atmospheric decoration for the children's room. A pretty garland made of small snow men is perfect for the walls or windows and can be made very easily from paper and fabric scraps. Simply cut out small snowmen out of white paper, glue on a long band and decorate as desired. The garland is ready for hanging!

From paper plates

You can also make a snowman with children with conventional paper plates in different sizes. To do this, you need either two or three paper plates, as well as materials for decorating the snowman, such as pipe cleaners, colorful paper, fabric residues and pompons. Simply provide the children's materials and let them develop their creativity.

Tinker with paper cups

Not only paper plates, but also cardboard cups are suitable for tinkering snowmen in winter. The easiest way to do the handicraft project with white cardboard cups who do not need to paint. Follow the steps in the instructions.

DIY-Schneemann from boxes

If cardboard plates and cardboard cups are suitable for tinkering, then other items made of cardboard, such as different boxes, also fit. You can also make a snowman from an empty cereal cardboard in any size. To do this, you need white paper to glue the box first and any materials for decorating the snowman. For example, the children can make a paper cup, scarf of fabric residues and arms made of drinking.

Handicrafts made of fabric

Different fabrics such as wool and felt are wonderful for tinkering with children. For exampleold socksTinker pretty snowmen and design as a funny winter decoration. For this they still need filling material for the snowmen, e.g. B. rice, and rubber or fabric bands for designing the individual “snowballs”. The children can use colorful buttons and pins to decorate.

With felt

With felt, on the other hand, these melted snowmen can be easily tinkered. They are reminiscent of the snowman Olaf from the film “The Ice Queen” and are certainly popular by the children. You only need glue, handicraft felt in white, black and brown, scissors, white wooden modules with a rounded shape and felt pens.

Simply paint the face of the snowman onto the wooden modules, cut out the individual parts out of felt and assemble the snowman. Complete!

Great handicrafts can also be sewn from felt instead of gluing, but smaller children need the help of an adult. Nevertheless, the little ones can design the parts of the snowman themselves, which the parents then sew together. You can fill the felt snowman with a little cotton wool and thus make a soft toy as a toy for your child.

Snowmen tanks made of clay

The air -drying tone is a popular material for creative projects and you can make a nice snowman with children. In addition to the white tone, you still need small nails or tears for the eyes and mouth, buttons for coat, small branches for arms and toothpicks.

First, the children form three balls made of white tone in three different sizes. Then stack the balls together and hold together with a toothpick. Then cut off the outstanding end of the toothpick and form the nose of the snowman. Finally shape the face and body and let the snowman dry in the air.

If you can only captivate the child's attention for a short time, then this quick handicraft project is suitable for a snowman. You only need one clay pot, acrylic paint, brush, a pipe cleaner and pompoms. Place the pot up with the floor on the work table and paint white together with the child. Then paint the features of the face and tinker earmist from two pompons and a pipe cleaner.

Ideas with natural materials

As a rule, you can make great snowmen from almost any material with the children. For this, natural material is an excellent idea that the little ones certainly inspires. Pumpkins, for example, are not only suitable for tinkering in autumn, but can also be used at the winter decoration. A white or white-old pumpkin can be quickly and easily transformed into a snowman and use decoration for the winter house entrance.

When the snow outside toBuild snowmanNot enough, you can give the children joy if they tinker you together instead. For this, wood is just as suitable as a material. Simply paint a wooden board with white color, design the face with any materials, tie a neckerchief around the board and the snowman is ready.

Snowmen you can tooChristmas handicrafts with childrenAnd design as jewelry for the Christmas tree. Whether wood, paper, plastic or another material doesn't matter. Just use what you currently have on hand.

From old light bulbs

Recycling handicrafts is a great way to use old objects again instead of throwing away. For example, an old light bulb can be made of a snowman with children for Christmas. For this, your children can either paint the light bulb with color or spice up with glitter and make original tree decorations themselves.