Make a school cone – great idea with an ice cream cone look and instructions

Well, a new school year is about to start! And according to the great German tradition, we have to start preparing the sugar cones. The shape of the school cone is clear, but there are many different ways to decorate it. Using inexpensive materials that can be found in any craft store. If you want to make your own school cone but are running out of good ideas, then take a look at these!

For the cone (waffle):
White poster board
BrownPackaging tape
Brown wrapping paper
Braunes Washi Tape
Glue stick
Tape measure

For the ice cream:
Fabric and matching ribbon
pink wooden beads, thread and needle

For the filling:
White tissue paper, candy, various school supplies that can fit into the cone

Step 1: Make the cone
– Take a large piece of poster board and hold one end facing you. Roll the paper into the shape of a cone - try to get the bottom of the cone nice and pointed - and secure with tape. Trim the top edge with scissors to make it even.

Step-by-step instructions

– Measure the height of your cone and add about 2 cm. Measure the circumference and add 5 cm.

– Cut a rectangle of kraft paper this size and fold it in half along the height measurement. Cut diagonally to make a triangle.

– Decorate the kraft paper with brown washi tape.

– Use a glue stick to cover the cone with the triangle.

– Glue around the top of the cone and along the loose edge of the triangle and carefully wrap the paper around the cone. You can hide the edge a bit with washi tape. When the glue has dried, cut out the excess paper with scissors.

Step 2: Fill the school bag with gifts
– Cut two rectangular pieces of fabric: the first should be the same width as the triangle (circumference of the cone plus 5 cm) x 38 cm. The second piece – the same width x 6 cm. Take the second strip of fabric and cut such a pattern along one side. The curves should be round and smooth.

– Attach this strip of fabric to the cone with a bit of glue.

– With the left side facing you, wrap the rectangle along the top of the cone over the other piece of fabric. Stick along the edge every 4 centimeters or so.

– Stuff a handful of tissue paper into the bottom of the cone and fill the sugar bag with candy.

Step 3: Lock up
After filling your school bag, place crumpled tissue paper on top and close the school bag with a ribbon. Make sure you use enough tissue paper so that the tip looks like a scoop of ice cream. Cut out the excess fabric on the lace.

Optionally, you can personalize your ice cream school cone by sewing wooden beads onto it as sugar sprinkles. Sequins, colorful buttons and pompoms are another option.

Photos fromYou're Corie

A few more nice ideas for school cones