In recent years, websites like “Dawanda” and “Etsy” have offered many creative people the opportunity to sell homemade items online. But in order to get the goods to the customer, you should also pay attention to attractive packaging. Packaging your handmade products in a personalized and professional way can delight your customers and keep them loyal to your brand. In other words: packaging plays a central role in the customer shopping experience!
Why packaging is important
This is about attention to detail. Customers notice this. Yes, they throw the packaging in the bin as soon as they get the product in their hands, but even if they do, it doesn't make it any less valuable. You don't just sell a product, you sell your label, your image. Your handwork should arouse customers' enthusiasm as soon as the package arrives. This is not a good time to disappoint them! Give them a good feeling and ensure a lasting positive impression of your brand. We can guarantee you that it will last.
Here are a few tips for packaging your products
1. Keep the packaging design simple
When it comes to packaging, less is often more. If it's a long process or requires a lot of effort, you won't have as much time for your creative hobby. You can also pack things beautifully and stylishly with simple wrapping paper. You can use it multiple times and enhance it with decorative elements, motif stamps or pens.
2. Promote your brand
Be as specific as possible about what your brand stands for and make sure your packaging reflects your values. Attach the essential elements to the packaging and make your brand identifiable. Also invest in tape with your logo or other custom printed packing material.
3. Protect your products
The main purpose of packaging is to deliver the goods to the customer in perfect condition. So make sure your handmade items are carefully and safely packaged. Fragile items should be packed with extra cushioning material such as bubble wrap! Use sufficient strong tape to ensure that your packaging is not damaged during transport. Also consider how the customer will open the package.
4. Buy packing materials in bulk
After you've sold and shipped a few items, you'll have a good idea of what packaging materials you'll need. Then you can optimize your shipping and save money at the same time byBuy packaging. This way, you will not only increase your efficiency by processing orders faster, but also benefit from wholesale prices.
5. Turn your customers into fans
Incorporating promotional elements into your packaging is one of the best ways to turn your customers into raving fans. Encourage them to buy your products again and recommend them to others. As you probably already know, converting a customer into a repeat customer is much easier than acquiring a new customer!
Advertising elements can be:
– A coupon code (15% off your next order, 10% off your next order for you and a friend, etc.)
– A sample or a small gift
– A card or note introducing your brand and products
– A card or note introducing you as the manufacturer of the product
– A handwritten thank you to the customer
The great thing about these advertising elements is that they don't cost much either. There are no rules here! If you dare to do something new, you can also win. Take advantage of the many packaging options and grow your business!