Creating summer pictures with children – painting and crafting pictures and collages

Collage with beach motif

You can't just paint beautiful pictureson the topic “Summer”, but also gluing. In this way you can make great collages as summer pictures with children that the little ones will love. In the example, the beach was chosen because it is undoubtedly immediately associated with summer. But of course other images are also suitable: sea creatures, the sun, a colorful meadow, a lake, etc. This is how such collages are made:

Also read:Create a beach picture with children using these instructions

You need:

  • white poster paper
  • wide brush
  • Poster or acrylic paints (poster paints)
  • Glue
  • felt-tip pens

First paint the paper in the basic colors of your planned image. For example, for a beach you will need a sheet of paper painted yellow for the sand and a blue one for the sea, as well as a few other colors for parasols, beach towels, toys, etc. Let the colors dry, then cut them into strips andtear piecesto get the elements for the collage. For example, the blue paper can be torn in a wave shape to create the effect of waves. Multiple layers also create a 3D effect.

You can then glue these elements onto white paper and create any summer pictures with children. Smaller motifs can be added with felt-tip pens. In addition to the beach picture, how about a picture of a mountain range? Or a wheat field with a meadow and sky in the background?