Making sunflowers with children: 5 simple craft projects with instructions

Although the weather occasionally reminds us of the coming fall, summer is not over yet! Welcome the last days of summer with onefun craft project for the kids. In the article you will discover some exciting ideas on how you can make a sunflower together. The craft ideas are perfect for both toddlers and kindergarten children and will put you in a good mood even on a rainy summer afternoon.

Cool craft ideas for late summer: making sunflowers with children

What suits summer better than somebeautiful sunflowers? They put you in a good mood both in the garden and in the field and are among the most popular summer flowers. If you're looking for a fun craft project for the kids, choose one of the ideas below and get started! We hope you have fun!

Make a sunflower out of construction paper – crumpled picture as a craft idea for small children

Even the smallest children can create beautiful motifs with paper. In the so-called crumpling technique, colorful paper is crumpled up and stuck onto a template. As a result, you get great pictures that don't require brushes or paints. Here you will find instructions with a suitable template for making a pretty sunflower in summer.

Necessary materials:

  • Colorful construction paper (tissue paper and crepe paper also work well)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Craft glue
  • Popsicle stick or cardboard for the stick
  • Sunflower template

Choose colored construction paper for the sunflower (yellow and brown paper for the flower and green for the leaf). Cut the selected paper into small square pieces (about 3 x 3 cm is enough).

Gradually crumple the square paper into small balls. Trace the sunflower pattern (from the template) onto a piece of construction paper or cardstock and cut it out with scissors. You can also cut the motif directly from the template.

Take the brown crumpled balls and glue them to the middle part of the cut out floral design. Once you have filled the middle part of the sunflower, add the yellow paper balls to fill the petals.

Prepare green paper and cut out the shape of the leaf (from the template). Fill the cut out sheet with the green beads.

Take a popsicle stick or cut a strip of cardboard to use as a stick. Attach the sunflower to one end of the stem and glue the leaf under the flower. Let the glue dry and the sunflower is ready.

Sunflower template

Make a sunflower from handprints

Their childrenlike to tinker with handprints? Then this little project is perfect for your next craft afternoon. You can use paper as well as a stronger material such as cardboard or foam rubber.


  • 2 sheets of yellow paper
  • 1 sheet of green paper
  • 1 sheet of brown paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • adhesive
  • Eisstiel
  • Brown pen

First, fold the yellow paper in half parallel to the long edge so there is enough room for 2 handprints. Place the center of the palm on the open edge (like in the picture above). Trace the hand and fingers with a pencil. Cut out a total of 5 handprint shapes.

Put a small dot of glue on the end of the stick. Place the first paper handprint on the glue with the thumb facing left. Add another small dot of glue to the bottom right of the handprint. Press the second paper handprint onto the glue dot. Continue placing a small dot of glue on the corner of each handprint and gluing the next handprint (with all thumbs facing the same direction) until you have completed the circle.

Cut out two identical leaf shapes from green paper. Place a small dot of glue on one end of each leaf and adhere the leaves to the back of the ice cream stick.

To create the center of the sunflower, cut a circle out of brown paper. Using a brown pen, draw seeds on the circle. Add some glue to the back of the circle and stick it to the center of the handprints.

Cute paper plate sunflower

Paper plates are perfect for making flowers. Their round shape provides the perfect basis for beautiful flowers. Below is a super easy craft idea that the kids will surely love. With this paper plate sunflower, children can still practice their cutting skills and improve their fine motor skills while cutting out the petals for the sunflower.


  • paper plate
  • Eisstiel
  • Green foam rubber
  • Yellow color
  • Green color
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Cut a small cut into the edge of the paper plate. Go back and make another cut so they connect and you cut out a small piece. As a rule, kindergarten children can carry out this step independently.

Paint the popsicle stick green and the paper plate yellow and let them dry.

Once the plate is dry, glue sunflower seeds to the center of the paper plate.

Cut out two leaves from the green foam rubber and glue them to either side of the craft stick.

Glue the craft stick to the back of the paper plate and you're done!

Recycling crafts with children – sunflowers made from egg carton

It's never too early to teach children about recycling. And this sunflower craft idea is a great way to do it.

What you need:

  • White sheet of paper
  • Egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Yellow paint or colored pencils
  • Chocolate breakfast cereal (or something else that looks like sunflower seeds)
  • Brown tissue paper
  • Construction paper
  • Green pipe cleaners
  • Glue

Cut the construction paper to fit 1/4 of the white sheet and glue it so it lines up with the bottom edge of the paper. Then draw a vase or pot on the construction paper and glue pieces of brown tissue paper onto it, making sure to completely cover the vase.

Now cut out three or four egg carton cups. Cut the sides vertically down to the bottom round part. These represent the petals of the sunflower. Repeat the process for all egg cartons.

Color the cut out egg cartons with yellow paint or yellow crayon and set them aside.

Glue the pipe cleaners to the paper so that they touch the top of the vase. Try to make the stems different lengths.

Using glue, attach each individual egg carton to the tip of a pipe cleaner.

Apply some glue to the inside of the egg cartons and sprinkle some of the chocolate flakes on top.

Make a large sunflower

Large crafts are a lot of fun for children. To make a giant sunflower you will need the following materials:

  • round cardboard cereal box (or other round cardboard box)
  • Color
  • Sheet of brown tissue paper
  • Beast style

First, remove the lid and label from the can. Make some pencil marks as shown above and cut the strips based on the marks. Then fold the petals back.

Now comes the fun part – painting! To do this, use yellow and orange paint. Then let the paint dry thoroughly and pierce a broom handle as a handle. Fill the middle with tissue paper and the large sunflower is ready.