Always active, daycare children are a real challenge for parents. We offer you severalDIY-Ideanto encourage your creativity. Crafting with 2-year-old children is a lot of fun, even in summer.
Crafts with 2-year-old children: ideas with paper plates, mirror foil and floral silk
At 2 years old, the child is very active and curious. Fine motor skills have now developed and the child can concentrate on an activity for longer. However, coordination will improve in the next few years. We offer you several simple ideas to support child development. Make a watermelon, ice cream or turtle.
Materials for the watermelon:
- a green paper plate
- Fabric tape or washi tape with green zigzag patterns
- pink floral silk
- a black marker
- Mirror film, self-adhesive
- Accessories: scissors, compass, adhesive tape
Directions:The paper platefold in half and then cut in two. Cut out a semicircle from the mirror foil. Turn one half of the paper plate over and attach the mirror foil with adhesive tape so that an outer edge remains. The adhesive side of the mirror film should face upwards. Together with the child, decorate the green edge of the plate with washi tape. Cut out small squares from the floral silk and draw black dots on them with the marker. Then ask the child to place the flower silk squares on the mirror foil.
Materials for the popsicles:
- Mirror film, self-adhesive
- Floral silk, different colors
- Craft cardboard, white
- a popsicle stick
- double-sided tape
Craft instructions:Cut a square out of the craft cardboard and glue it to the popsicle stick. Glue mirror foil to the craft cardboard (the adhesive side faces up). Cut out small squares from the floral silk and attach them to the mirror foil.
Materials for the turtle:
- a green paper plate
- self-adhesive mirror film
- double-sided tape
- green craft cardboard
- Googly eyes
Craft instructions:Cut out the turtle's body and head from the green craft cardboard, turn the paper plate over and glue it onto the body. Stick the mirror foil with the adhesive side up on the paper plate and attach the tissue paper pieces.
By the way, you can also create beautiful ones with mirror foil and paperMake window pictures. Let your creativity run wild and make beautiful fish, a colorful sun or a summer flower together with the children.
Crafting with crèche children: New flower pots for the cacti
The next idea is also super simple and, above all, promotes dexterity and concentration. Cut a plastic bottle in two and ask the child to paint the bottle a summer color. Red, green, sky blue or orange make the children's room shine. Then glue googly eyes on them and finally plant cacti in the new pots.
Crafting with children under 3 years: stamp techniques
Children under 3 years old love stamping beautiful designs on paper. Cut an apple in two and apply red paint to one half. Now the children can use the new stamp to stamp apples on the white cardboard. After the paint dries, you can cut it out, draw a face and add googly eyes.
Stick bubble wrapon the lid of a jam jar and you have made a stamp. This creates beautiful floral motifs in no time.
Alternatively, you can also cut one end of a toilet paper roll and use it to stamp beautiful shapes on the craft cardboard.
Craft ideas with colored sand for children under 3 years
There are many beautiful decorations that you can make with colored sand.
For the sand castle:Place a handful of white sand in a blue plate, decorate with painted shells and stones. To make the lock, cut three rolls of toilet paper, brush them with glue and sprinkle with colored sand and glitter. Make flags out of colored paper and toothpicks.
Jam jars with colored sand:Fill a jam jar halfway with colored sand, then decorate with shells, starfish and small decorative figures (crabs, seahorses, etc.).
Sand picture:Fill the colored sand into the bottle using a funnel, a homemade oneMakramee-Armbandtie around the neck.
Craft ideas with shells and starfish for toddlers
Did you collect starfish and shells during your last vacation? Then there are the next craft ideas that will appeal to both crèche children and primary school children.
1. Painting starfish, shells and coral: Promotes fine motor skills.
2. Cut out shells from clay, let them air dry and paint them. Meanwhile, cut out fish, crabs, seahorses and turtles from colored construction paper. Draw eyes or add googly eyes. Then decorate the fish and animals with the shells.
3. Collage with shells: Glue shells onto a wooden plyboard measuring 15 x 25 cm and then paint the collage as desired. Finally, decorate the collage as desired. For this purpose, you can use glitter, self-adhesive rhinestones and whatever else you can think of.
Crafts with 2-year-old children Make butterflies out of bottle caps
The next craft idea is a little more complicated: Cut out the butterfly wings from transparent plastic film. Ask the children to draw dots on the wings using markers. Then glue the wings onto plastic bottle caps. Finally, attach wiggly eyes - and you have already made several beautiful butterflies.
Make caterpillars out of pompoms and clothespins
For a caterpillar you need the following materials:
- two pompoms, size 5 mm Ø in light purple
- three pompoms size 5 mm Ø in purple
- a pompom size 10 mm Ø in light purple
- two googly eyes
- a wooden clothespin
- Glue or hot glue (better to use an adhesive for small children)
Assemble the caterpillar with the help of the children. You can even make several caterpillars and play with them.
Crafts with 2-year-old children: Fun cup catching game
The next game is guaranteed to banish boredom. You need the following materials:
- a wooden bead
- a paper cup
- Painting colors and crayons
- Paint brush
- Yarn
- a shish kebab skewer (optional)
Craft instructions: First paint the paper cups as desired and let them dry. Then cut the shish kebab skewer to size and stick it to the cup. Finally, cut a piece of thread from the wool and thread the wooden bead onto one end. Tie the other end to the shish kebab skewer. Now the children can play with it. The aim of the game is to capture the wooden bead with the cup.
Make wind chimes with natural materials
If the weather is nice, you can also choose a project for the balcony or garden and make a wind chime. To do this, paint a plastic cup as desired, then cut four 40 cm long pieces of yarn. Make holes in the neck of the cup and pull the pieces of yarn through them and knot them. Then paint the shells, drill holes in the shells and string them on.
Another option is to make a beautiful wall decoration out of shells and wooden beads.
Make a sun out of paper plates
Help the children make a sun out of a paper plate, pipe cleaners and straws. Poke several holes on the edge of the plate and tie yellow pipe cleaners to them. Cut the straws into small pieces and have the child thread them onto the pipe cleaners. You can paint the yellow plate any way you like or decorate it with self-adhesive rhinestones.
You can make a cute wall decoration for the children's room using a paper plate, yellow and orange cardboard. Simply place the child's hand on the colored paper and trace the outline. Then cut them out with scissors. Using the cut-out hand as a template, trace it onto the yellow construction paper five times and onto the orange construction paper five times. Then turn the paper plate over, cut a large circle out of the yellow construction paper and tape it to the back of the paper plate. Draw a face (eyes, nose, mouth) and turn the paper plate over again. Glue the paper handprints to the edge of the plate so that they look like sunrays.
Crafting with 2 year oldsChildren develop fine motor skillsand increases the ability to concentrate. It's especially fun when the children work together with their siblings and parents. Let your creativity run wild and try out the craft ideas.