Many people dream of a garden that they can lovingly care for and enjoy every day. This dream is difficult for most city dwellers to realize. For them and for everyone who wants to live close to nature, there are simple and unusual solutions: make your own cup gardens.
The concept of cup gardens
The mini cup gardens are becoming increasingly popular and interesting. The little pieces of art create a sensational contact with nature. Making your own cup gardens can fascinate you and relax your senses at the same time. The mini garden creates a unique atmosphere in your home and can be the right gift or souvenir for many occasions. With the following tips you will discover how diverse and easy creating cup gardens can be. They can be placed almost anywhere and are easy to maintain. The miniatures can come witha little patience and imaginationmade or purchased in store. Give your loved ones little joys or treat yourself to them in your own home!
Materials and accessories
Since cup gardens are more intended for home use, you need plants that are suitable for this. The vegetation in the mini garden can vary. Cacti, houseleeks, mini roses, mini palms, dry moss or similar that do not require much care and are resistant to almost all conditions. All plants with small leaves and flowers are suitable for the miniatures. Of course, these must also be able to coexist. As for accessories, you can use small, thin twigs or bark as decoration. You can moisten the potting soil with a spray bottle and shape the plants into the desired shape with secateurs. It's best to get different cups, bowls or other ceramic shapes in which you canCreate diverse mini gardenscan. You can also use potting soil, pebbles, glue and garden fleece to cover the drainage layer. A tablespoon or teaspoon can be used to fill in the potting soil. You can cover your workspace with newspaper.
You will certainly find common cups in your household in which you can design your allotment. Minifigures and all decorative accessories are available from florists or hobby stores. Of course you can also conjure these up yourself. To do this, you need natural materials such as branches, twigs, pieces of bark, lichens and many more, which you can collect while walking in nature.
Time to plant! Fill your teacup with pebbles, potting soil, and grit as described above. These will help with drainage. Create some mini succulents and flowers. Then place the selected decorative figures and fill any empty spaces with extra tiny plants or other elements that you can decorate to your taste. Repeat this process to create as many cup gardens as your heart desires.
Decoration and design
The natural materials can be used in many different ways. For example, you can make a small fence out of the bark or assemble smaller pieces of furniture out of the thin branches. The moss is suitable for imitating lawns or garden areas, and the pebbles make your creation look like a real small-scale garden. This allows you to make natural cup gardens yourself without having to browse in the store. Nothing stands in the way of your imagination.
At the florist you will find a large selection of dwarf-shaped plants that you can use in your design. With the combination of small cacti, houseleeks and fairytale characters you can create a magical garden world in a single cup.
The old florarium art, which is relevant again, can also inspire you when designing the mini garden if your desire for originality is not satisfied. The history of compositions of houseplants in glass containers dates back to the middle of the nineteenth century. At that time the so-calledGreenhouses for fernsin trend. Today these forms of presenting floral landscapes are relevant again. Useinteresting garden decorationswith natural colors and shapes that give you a feeling of harmony.
The right care
If you want to make and enjoy your own cup gardens, you also have to be able to take good care of them. Uncontrolled irrigation could lead to undesirable results. The amount of watering depends on the room temperature, humidity and the time of year. Gentle spraying using the spray bottle is therefore recommended. If your vessel does not have a drainage hole, you will need to create a drainage layer. First, fill the cup a third full with grit. Then cover with garden fleece up to about 1-2 cm below the edge of the cup. Finally, fill the container with soil until the fleece is covered. Only when the soil is completely dry can you water, preferably with a spray bottle.
Dieappropriate lightingis an important factor in the care of cup gardens. Place your cup gardens near the window or in appropriate bright locations so that the succulents receive the optimal light. In order for the cup gardens to remain true jewels of your interior, they need daily care. This includes removing dried out leaves and flowers, as well as cutting branches that are growing excessively quickly. If one of the plants begins to wilt, it must be replaced with another. Insects can also be harmful to mini gardens and controlling them is often a difficult task.
Mug gardens as a suitable gift
Because of their size and uniqueness, miniature gardens are of course suitable as gifts for almost any occasion. You can come up with as many variations as you like by personalizing the gift for the relevant person or occasion. The accessories and plants can be playfully combined according to your personal ideas. One suggestion would be to add a monetary gift to the miniature garden if it is intended for a wedding or birthday, for example. Cup gardens are ideal to give to people who love flowers and nature. Don't be afraid to experiment and decorate your home with lots of color and mood.