Halloween party decorations will delight your children

Evil spirits, ghosts and other scary creatures can only meet you at night. All children want to be scared on October 31st. The children shout “Trick or Treat” on the streets and small hordes of witches, wizards, vampires, phantoms and other legendary characters wander through the streets looking for sweets. Few lucky children will go to a thematic celebration. Imagine Halloween party decorations that will spice up any event.

There are many shops where you can buy interesting finds - it's much more fun when you put the decorations togethercraft with your child. Create unique party decorations quickly and easily - we offer you some ideas like.

Bats at the front door

The entrance makes the first impression and needs extra attention. A simple but effective type of Halloween party decorations are the bats at the door. You will need black fabric or cardboard and some scissors, white chalk, tape, bats - stencils in three sizes (you can find these on Google).

STEP 1: Find three matching bat stencils and cut them out of white paper. You will only use half the bats in the small sizes.

STEP 2 – Fold the bats in half through the middle and glue them to the wall.

STEP 3 - Glue the other bats to the wall and door as shown in the picture - the smaller bats at the bottom and the larger bats at the top.

STEP 4 - Ultimately, the bats should only be glued to the wall in the middle so that their wings can move in the wind.

Evil ghosts

One of the most unusual and effective types of Halloween decorations are these little evil ghosts. For a really exciting atmosphere, make lots of ghosts and decorate the whole room with them. They're a little frightening, but also quite cute, which makes them perfect for younger children. For the elaboration you will need small paper cups, small balloons, tape, cheesecloth, PVA glue, black cardboard and fishing line.

PREPARATION– Balance two paper cups on top of each other and glue them together. Blow up a balloon and stick it to the top cup. Cut the fabric into squares approximately 8 inches wide and fill a container with setting agent /50/50 solution/.

To make it quicker, prepare several balloon designs in advance so you can make more than one ghost at a time.

STEP 1 – Soak the fabric squares in the solution and cover the balloon and cup construction. Let them dry.

STEP 2 – Pop the balloons once the mold is dry. For each ghost, cut two small black eyes out of the cardboard and glue them together.

STEP 3 – Separate the ghost from the cups and fray the ends. Tie the ghost to the chandelier with fishing line.

Generally, the black, orange and red colors are associated with the festival. Combine these colors for a spooky atmosphere. Or cover the furniture with white bed sheets - on the other hand it looks good and on the other hand your furniture is well protected. If the room is lit by just a few candle lights, it looks even better. Uncanny noises such as ghosts or creaking doors go very well with this decoration.

Traditional decoration - Jack O'Lanterns

Children love this traditional decorationso let them help. Your child can paint each stencil, then hollow out the pumpkin. Pumpkin carving can be difficult and dangerous for children, so it is better if you take on this task. Smart idea is to use LED lighting instead of candles.

For children they are undoubtedly the absolute highlightSweets for the festival. It doesn't matter whether these are homemade or store-bought - they are an indispensable part of the celebration. So why not hide candy around the room and use it as party decorations?

Cruel lollipops in the shape of gravestone

STEP 1 - For each lollipop, print out two tombstone templates, then glue them to black cardboard. Then let them dry and then cut the cardboard according to the template. Leave a small black border as shown in the photo.

STEP 2 – Attach the lollipop to the cut template

STEP 3 – Using a black ballpoint pen, write the word RIP on the stencil

The festival can be an experience for you and your children, and these characters are part of the fun.

Pumpkin with an evil face


Sweets as a spooky decoration


Pumpkin as a ghost

Black tablecloth

Above the fireplace

Funny cut pumpkin