Learn to paint and draw animals with step-by-step instructions for children

Children from around 3Children up to 4 years old can try to draw specific motifs. In addition to simple geometric figures, animals are particularly popular. And what sounds complicated at first is actually not that difficult. It is precisely those geometric figures or even numbers that are used as a basis. Today we will prove to you that painting animals is easy by presenting you with some instructions on how to draw a wide variety of animals.

Drawing animals made easy

Drawing requires a good imagination. This can prove difficult, and not just for children. That's why it's good if you go toDrawing for childrenUse motifs, figures or symbols as a basis from which to base themselves. As already mentioned, the individual elements of the animals can be wonderfully painted and put together from geometric figures.

Giraffe made of geometric figures

For example, the giraffe above is made up largely of circles and ellipses put together for the body: draw a circle for the head, a long neck made of two almost parallel lines, and then a body made of an ellipse. The thigh of the hind leg is also an ellipse, while the lower leg and the front leg consist of narrow cones. Finally, the small details such as horns, mouth, hooves, tail and spots are added.