Make your own Christmas decorations – a few magical ideas

The most wonderful time of the year is slowly approaching and gives us wonderful inspiration on how to do itYou can make your own Christmas decorations.In today's article we will give you a few suggestions for crafting and short instructions that will accompany you step by step. It will be fun for you and your children.

Make your own Christmas decorations - tree ball made of Styrofoam

The Christmas balls charm us on everyoneChristmas. They come in many great designs and you can find really magical onesBaumkugelnat the Christmas market. Unique pieces asMake your own Christmas decorationsyou can do it too. Buy Styrofoam balls from the hardware store or order them online because you can use them to make really beautiful tree balls. Cut rectangular textile or woven fabrics into about 2-3 cm size. You will also need an embossing tool for piercing, thread, scissors, decorative fabric and an embroidery needle.

The steps

Poke the ball through with the embroidery needle and guide the yarn by tying it on the bottom side and cutting out the loose ends. Using an embossing tool, you will emboss the center of the cut out fabricStyrofoam ballput. Repeat this process until you have decorated the entire ball with the fabric pieces.

Make your own Christmas decorations

Make your own festive door or wall wreath out of pine cones.Make your own Christmas decorationsis fun especially when you can share the time with someone. While walking in the park the other day, you collected beautiful pine cones and wanted to find a use for them. Take a good glue gun and some shimmer ribbon. Apply enough glue to the end of the pine cones and ram them together until they are firmly glued. The gift ribbon is tied around the finished wreath to conceal any remaining glue residue. And finally, the prepared orange slices, which have been dried in the oven at the lowest temperature overnight, are attached to 4 or 5 places on the wreath. The festive wreath is ready!

Make a Christmas tree out of textile

In two tones and made of 17 textile triangles you will have a great decoration for the wall at Christmas. You will machine the cut triangles by hand or with a cutting machine and leave the bottom side open. Make sure that the shape actually fits together and has been sewn straight so that your Christmas decoration is nice and straight. A short ribbon is sewn to the corner of the crown between the two pieces, like a sandwich, leaving part of it hanging. Please only do this with one triangle. Fill the triangles evenly with cotton wool using a pencil. Knit the filled triangles and attach the corners to each other by piercing them with needles. Form a Christmas tree out of it using the same particles from the triangles.

Snowflakes with stencils

This beautiful idea will delight most people. For the pretty colorful snowflakes you will use ready-made stencils or ones you have painted yourself. Buy 3-4 types of colored felt fabrics and cut out the ornaments and shapes of flowers and leaves that you chose on the template. Using a punch card punch, you will punch a small hole in the middle of the disc. Arrange the small pieces such as leaves and layers of the snowflake and glue them on the round part. Press them firmly until they stick properly. To do this, you can place heavy books on them to press overnight. Finally, you can pierce thread or jewelry pendants and attach them to the Christmas tree. Voila!

Other DIY ideas

Use fleece for crafts

Make Christmas decorations – a gingerbread man

Craft with nutcrackers

Make a Christmas wreath out of silver bells