With regard to the lighting at home, the interior designers introduce us to amazing and often overwhelming decisions! In most modern houses you can see hanging mainly - and wall lights to save space. Those house residents who are blessed with a little more free space should seriously worry about how they can spice up their interior through a cool floor lamp this summer. Three -leggedModern floor lampsAre not only a popular trend in the lighting of our apartments and houses, they have become timeless lamps show stopper that attract our attention and serve as wonderful sculptural additions in the ambience.
Our picture gallery today presents great models of floor lamps, but it is only dedicated to the three -legged tripod lamps. Such a floor lamp can easily change your room lighting, from scattered to focus, stylish, stylish and captivatingLicht. With its various style versions and creative silhouettes, the world of tripod lamps is getting more and more exciting every day! And as always, we are there for you to offer you a look at this enchanting world and to inform you about the last news in the designer world.
Modern floor lamps - symmetry and proportionality
The art of lighting is much more than illuminating. When it comes to big andModern floor lampsIf it goes, it also comes to the aesthetics of the lamp itself and it plays an important role in the design of its interior. When choosing the right floor lamp, everything revolves around the first specific needs of your ownApartmentAnd how the lamp fits the existing facility in the room. High three -legged floor lamps look fabulous in living rooms with a high ceiling, because the high lamps offer a feeling for proportionality and symmetry. With two tripod lamps, it is of course even easier to achieve this visual balance.
It is well known, oversized lights are currently fashionable! They quickly became an integral part of many living and dining rooms, but be careful! This does not always apply to the big floor lamps! A huge tripod - floor lamp can not only disturb the general attractiveness of the room, it can even lead to some problems, for example how its light interacts with other light sources. Select your floor lamp in terms of the size of your room and place it next to the couch to achieve a great look in the living area.
Modern floor lamps- spotlight effect!
When we talk about the lighting at home, about those with a can of eccentricity, we have to call one of our eternal favorites immediately, the photographer's lamp. Of course, this lamp needs a bit of description. She reminds us of a past time when the Photoshop was still unknown! The photographer's lamp is a design icon that simply looks incredible in houses in rustic or industrial style.
While the photographer's lamp is all about glamor and strong visual effect, there are many modern replicas that take up much less space and fit wonderfully with a contemporary design style. This chic lamp has found a new life in recent years, and with its vintage patterns and metallic accents, it makes a great comeback in 2014. The photographer's lamp is now more in demand than ever before!
Easily integrable and noticeable at the same time
As soon as you have determined the size of the tripod lamp for your living room or bedroom, it is now time to think about the style and color of the lampshade. There are two different approaches that you can think about. Your three -legged floor lamp can display an extension of the existing color palette or you can accentuate a specific color. The key to this decision is in the rehearsal. Check whether you already have other additives such as accent cushions, chairs and trailers in the room. If this is the case, you can choose the safer option and take a color like this of the room background.
blackModern floor lampsAre cool and make a stylish visual statement, no matter where they are used, it is no different with the tripod stamp lamps. If black is your selected color, it is best to combine it with a different table lamp or pendant lamp, so you will give the space serenity and elegance. Three-legged floor lamps with wooden bases look very adequately in transitional apartments, even in those in rustic and beach style, while metallic tripods seem to be in elegant and modern rooms in all its splendor.
Not from this world!
Perhaps you are not entirely satisfied with the usual range of floor lamps, yes? Awesome modern designers always surprise us with amazing new designs that define the current trend in the floor lamps. From sensational designs to ultra-slim creations that disappear into the background, there are many unusual and interesting options. Some of the decisions seem particularly scary, because they look like extraterrestrial life forms that have just gone from a Hollywood science fiction film. Yes, each has a style and an aura around them!
Modern floor lamps - the tripod light fits perfectly with the interior
Modern tripod light next to the sofa
Corner sofa in beige and modern floor lamp in the home office
Two floor lamps with a wooden frame
Mediterranean-style furnishings-two modern floor lamps
Modern floor lamp made of metal
Tripod light in black