I mean, a beautiful bouquet of flowers is always an excellent gift idea? I'm sure no one will dispute that. Regardless of the occasion, flowers are a special and unique way to express your feelings. Flowers expressly show your style and taste, your creative thinking and create a wonderful atmosphere in every home. Let's take roses as a first example. Everyone knows the popular saying: “Red roses, red roses are eternal messengers of love…” So, roses can best express romantic feelings. Or let's take the fresh and bright carnations and irises, which create a casual atmosphere and invite relaxation. When you arrange a bouquet, you express your soul and your personality, you show who you are, regardless of whether you want to do it or not. So, don't hesitate to show the beauty of a colorful composition created by yourself. These beautiful arrangements of flowers and fruits would give you some ideas.
A new and fascinating trend in arranging the flower bouquets is the use of fruits and vegetables in the bouquets. Apples, grapes, lemons, blueberries and other types of berries, all of which are very different in shape and color, are sure to add a romantic touch to any floral composition. The addition of different fruits in appropriate colors will undoubtedly be an excellent addition to your bouquet. These fruits and vegetables must be appropriate for both the occasion and the season. Summer combinations of bright yellow and white flowers should be further embellished with lemons, strawberries or peaches. PinkSpring flowers look excellentwith fine green pears. If you want to create a beautiful bouquet of autumn flowers, then you should use fruits such as apples, pomegranates and blueberries. It is your own design, so stimulate your own imagination and bring a lot of life into your creations to achieve a creative design, a unique combination of your favorite flowers and fruits in a beautiful composition. If you want to make an original bouquet, then in addition to fruits, you can also include vegetables in it. Use a small autumn pumpkin, blue eggplant or red pepper, then you will certainly get a very special kind of bouquet.
Decoration depending on the season
Many people are on the hunt for vitamins these days. This new trend in flower arranging also makes us think of interesting combinations that not only look beautiful but can also be useful. Buttercups and orange, strawberries and kiwi, peppers, radishes, mushrooms can be wonderfully integrated into exotic floral compositions that will be remembered for a long time. The main thing is that they are beautiful, aesthetic, useful and... a lot of fun to create, but also to give as a gift.
Autumn carnival
Until the last day of autumn, this season is full of beautiful colors and always delights us with its variety of different shades and shades. The autumnal color palette is dominated by yellow, orange, red, brown and chocolate nuances. If you want to create an autumnal composition, please pay attention to the special tones you incorporate into it. Your choice would undoubtedly be very wide, so you will be able to choose your favorite colors or incorporate those bright ones that radiate joy and peace. A lot depends on your own taste and preferences.
Dahlias and berries
In order to create wonderful autumn bouquets, choose flowers typical of this season: gladioli, chrysanthemums, asters, grasses and leaves of trees, small fruits, apples, walnuts. They can be perfectly combined with the always current roses, gerberas and carnations at any time of the year. However, we can only advise you to really prefer the flowers and fruits typical of this season in autumn. They show the best of this season, especially through the shine and warmth of their colors.
Cabbage among the flowers
Another idea: enchanting metamorphosis
Maybe you need a new planter? For this purpose, you could also use fruits or vegetables that are strong enough and of a suitable size. For example, you could make an interesting vase from elongated orange or green pumpkins. How does it work? Cut off the top part of the pumpkin, then remove the flesh with seeds. You can now arrange the plant material in the gap formed. You will still need about paper, fold it and place it evenly on the bottom of your new flower pot. Choose your favorite flowers, preferably in the orange-red tones, they could be of different shapes and textures: silver crested, dahlias, marigolds and place them between leaves. Irises, cattails and other autumn flowers are also recommended, they will add unforgettable flair to your composition. In addition, you can try plants with small petals or smaller leaves, which also look very cute and complement the floral composition perfectly.
A similar arrangement is a great decoration for the fireplace or dining table.
Apples and pears in a glass vase
Roses and pumpkins