How to put on clown make-up – instructions and tips for the costume

If you've decided to dress up as a clown for Carnival or even Halloween, you're probably looking for a guide that will explain step by step what you need to do. If that is the case, we have great instructions for you in this article, including a few tips on the costume itself. Have fun trying it out!

– whiteMake-upas Basic in creamy or powder form
– Make-up pencil in a light color and one in black. Pens and brushes (don't get the cheapest one or you'll have to collect the hair from the makeup afterwards) are great for smaller areas and for drawing details.
– a sponge for applying make-up
– Theater make-up in the form of face powder in white, as well as a few bright colors such as blue, red and yellow
- You are ashamed
– Rouge: You can choose between creamy, for a lighter look, or powder, for a softer look

The instructions

Apply the white base with the makeup sponge. If you have chosen a powder, you should moisten the sponge beforehand. Make sure you smooth out any unevenness. Once you have covered all areas, you can trace the face again with the sponge in dabbing movements. This way the makeup will have a smooth look.

Around the base To conclude, it is now the turn of the white theater make-up. This step is important and should not be skipped, otherwise the colors will blend and fade over time. Take the powder puff and add about a tablespoon of white setting powder to it. Rub both parts together until the powder in the powder puff disappears. Now you can apply the powder to the base in dabbing movements. Thanks to this step you will achieve strong and long-lasting colors.

Next are the colors and design, which you can choose depending on your taste. You can choose between different techniques: To color large areas, such as the areas around the mouth and eyes, you can use the make-up sponge again. You can mark the edge of these areas beforehand with a make-up pencil. You can also use it to correct any errors. For particularly fine details when applying clown make-up, you can use a brush. Here, too, you should apply setting powder after each color so that the individual colors do not mix. To do this, take the powder puff again and press the powder into the paint using dabbing movements.

Tips for adults

Before you start, you should clean your face well. If you have sensitive skin, we recommend applying a thin layer of moisturizer.

The final step is the blush, which you can apply either with a sponge or with your fingers, as desired. In this case, you should also moisten the sponge if you are using a blusher in the form of powder. It is also recommended that men wear a creamy blush use because, as already mentioned, it creates a brighter look, and women use the powder blush because it creates a soft and pretty look. Afterwards, don't forget to add another layer of theatrical makeup.

Tips for the costume

TheCarnival costumecan be professionally or unprofessionally designed. For the professional version, you should record or sketch the desired costume and all items of clothing, such as socks, shoes, possibly a hat, but also the make-up design. But don't forget details like trouser and jacket pockets, which are always very useful. Make sure that the costume is beautifully colorful and of course corresponds to your gender. You then give the sketch to a tailor who will sew the costume according to your wishes and your clothing size. Choose a fabric for the costume that you can easily wash without the colors fading. One such example would be cotton.

Buy a ready-made costume

But you can also buy a ready-made costume. If you don't have one, buy a hat and a clown wig, as well as matching shoes if you don't own any. Just like the professionally made costume, there are also great details: socks, gloves, suspenders and a bow tie. You can also add these optionally. A great alternative to the wig is a colorful hair color in the form of a spray, which you can use to color your hair yourself.

Although clowns are usually considered funny, they can also be scary, like the so-called horror clowns. Such clown costumes are perfect, especially for Halloween, because you have onebig scary factor. For a perfect horror clown costume, you need appropriate make-up, costume and, if desired, horror teeth.

Also read:Make a hat for the clown: accessories for the costume