Make-up in red and white for carnival – tips & ideas for original styling

Red and white are the colors of the Cologne carnival. But even if you don't celebrate in this region, you can take advantage of this interesting color combination and create an interesting makeup look that goes beyond the eye area. It's up to you to decide whether you want to try something simple or dare to try something more complicated. In any case, the red and white make-up is suitable for everyone and can be used by both men and women to match any costume Complete makeup. And so that you can quickly make the right choice or come up with something yourself more easily, we have put together a few inspirations. So if you want to wear red and white make-up for carnival, these can be very helpful. However, if you are still not sure how to design your face for carnival, the following examples might even convince you. And to ensure that the make-up lasts all day long, we have a few tips on the basics of make-up.

No matter whether you put on make-up for the carnival in red and white and celebrate in Cologne, in another location or whether you use other colors, there is one thing you should always stick to and that is the use of high-quality make-up. Carnival is wild and your make-up should survive that. Who wants to suddenly find themselves with smudged or smeared make-up after hard, albeit fun, work in front of the mirror? So use good carnival make-up, where such a mishap cannot happen, even with a lot of sweating and laughing. The carnival make-up should also be of high quality so that you can be sure that it is skin-friendly. It's best to try this out first on the back of your hand. You should always be careful, especially with children. You should also pay attention to the expiry date. It exists for a reason. So if you want to reuse the old make-up from last year, make sure that it is still durable.

Before you start applying make-up, a moisturizing cream for the skin is mandatory. This also nourishes the skin and makes wearing the make-up more comfortable. When you then start doing your own make-up, don't forget that your skin also needs to breathe. This is where the quality of the makeup you choose comes into play again. It's better to get by with just one layer of makeup instead of applying several to get opaque colors. Especially when you apply make-up to larger areas of your face for carnival in red and white (or other colors), the motto is: the less, the better!

Fixing spray or powder ensure long-lasting hold, so these should not be missing from your personal range of carnival make-up. These (you only need one of the two) are sprayed or powdered onto the finished make-up at the very end and fix the make-up. Afterwards, neither sweat nor other damp influences can harm your styling and you can enjoy the party to the fullest.

Now you have survived the carnival safely. After endless dancing and other fun things, you come home in the evening or even in the middle of the night and are so tired that you just want to go to bed. If only there wasn't so much make-up... So, I quickly remove most of it and go to bed. But that's not right. After the skin has been covered all day, it now needs rest and it will only get this if you remove the make-up completely and carefully. No excuses! Apply moisturizer afterwards and you can go to sleep with a clear conscience.

Make-up for carnival in red and white without a theme

If you would like to put on make-up for the carnival, you are spoiled for choice: should you portray a specific theme or role to match the costume, or would you rather put together something entirely your own and without a theme? With the latter you can let your imagination run wild. From simple eye make-up with eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow to more complicated patterns and motifs for the whole face, everything is possible. Red lips and a white face, geometric motifs and whatever else you can think of can all make a great impression. You can then choose the outfit accordingly.

Black possibly as a third color

In some cases, the two colors red and white are not enough. This is especially the case if you want to highlight contours better, for example. Then the black color can be very helpful. This does not steal the show from the other two, so that they continue to stand out well as the main colors and can be perceived as such. You can also use black to make up your lips or eyelashes. Just make sure to only use black as an accent.

Add accessories

A simple make-up for which you combine red and white, you canSpice it up with a few accessories. In addition to artificial eyelashes, such accessories can include glitter stones. These are simply stuck to the skin with special glue and can decorate the eye and eyebrow area. Glitter stones are also very popular for the lips. Glitter in the form of powder can also be used to create interesting accents. In white these are more subtle, in red they are correspondingly more striking. Silver is also suitable if you are doing carnival make-up in red and white, as it is a neutral color and tends towards white. Just come up with something interesting and try it out a few days before the carnival to make sure that everything works out the way you imagined on the day of the festival.

Make-up with a theme

If you want to represent a specific character with your costume and at the same time want to wear red and white make-up for carnival, then you have a suitable selection of characters to matchColor combination of two colorsfits perfectly. On the one hand, this is of course the classic clown. It doesn't matter whether he has a grim face or is happy (which is particularly preferable for carnival). Red and white are ideally wonderful. The face is simply made white, while you can use red to make up the lips, eyes and nose. A few additional patterns can also be added. How about red lines like in the picture above, dots, triangles or a checkered pattern?

Geisha is also great as a disguise, as they traditionally wear white face make-up. The lips are then highlighted with red. If you want, you can also use the red color to add a few accents to the eyes and eyebrows. You can also try this out in advance. But don't experiment on carnival day itself. Then you won't have much time for it.

The good old pantomime is also an ideal disguise for which you can use red and white make-up. As with the geisha and the clown, the white face is the basis here. In addition to red for the lips and possibly also for the cheeks, you also need black as a third color to highlight the eyes. It is not uncommon for the pantomime to have tears as an accent, which are usually painted with black make-up, but in this case can also be red. A great idea for the mouth is also to make one half smiling and the other half sad.

Men wear red and white make-up for carnival

Even if it appears that the red and whiteMake-up for carnivalis only suitable for women, this is not the case at all, as you can see in the picture above. Men can also come up with something interesting with this beautiful color combination. Accordingly, the clown as a classic and the pantomime are also very appropriate. If you would like to be a special source of laughter at the carnival, why not choose the Geisha? After all, carnival is a crazy affair and so anything goes. An individual make-up design that you have come up with yourself is also possible.