Although carnival is known for its bright colors, that doesn't mean that the costume has to be colorful to make a great impression. Quite the opposite! A carnival in black and white can also be funny, impressive and appropriate, provided you come up with something original. And there are a lot of great options for this, some of which are actually quite easy to implement. Be inspired by our fun ideas below and find suggestions for different costumes, mottos and make-up.
Carnival in black and white as the motto of a party
If you are planning a carnival party with the motto “Carnival in Black and White” or help with the planning, be sure to look for interesting onesIdeas for decoration. You can put together something suitable here with fabrics, paper and other materials, but also with snacks, drinks and desserts. Paper plates and balloons in matching colors can be easily found at a party store. Use cocoa cookies, kola or other snacks and drinks that you can buy ready-made, or bake your own cocoa cupcakes and then decorate them with white topping. Black olives or blueberries and raspberries can also be served and are then not only for consumption, but also as a pleasant decoration.
You can also make bunting, fans and black and white confetti or get ready-made decorations in these two colors. Whether streamers, lanterns, paper stars or other crazy and fun ideas, a lot can be put together. And in combination with the matching outfit for carnival in black and white, the entire atmosphere is guaranteed to be unique and the party is a complete success. The black and white color theme can also be combined with an accent color. Whether red, gold, mint green or another color doesn't matter. Just make sure that it really only serves as an accent and doesn't push the other two colors into the background.
Black and white films are also a great idea for a party theme. You can imitate certain heroes from well-known films and of course with the appropriate color of clothing or simply imitate the look of black and white films by wearing black and white or gray clothing from the fashion of the time and applying make-up to your skin in a light shade of gray. With matching hair, makeup and jewelry, you'll look like you've just stepped out of an old movie.
Ideas for the outfit
But you also have the costume and the make-upThe topic of black and white is important. You can choose between classic variants such as a pantomime, a black angel or thieves and modern, self-created variants. We have also put together some suggestions so that you are a real eye-catcher in black and white at the carnival.
Mime costumes
When you think of a black and white costume, mime might be the first thing that comes to mind. She is traditionally dressed in black and white and also has make-up on, although red accents are also permitted in the make-up (for the mouth, for example). So would you like to despiteParty Motto“Black and white” a certain splash of color and, for exampleCarnival costume in black, white and red, this variant is a good option. The costume is also quick and easy to make yourself. You may already have suitable items of clothing at home and if not, you can quickly find them in the store: high-water dungarees or, alternatively, trousers with suspenders and a long-sleeved, black and white striped shirt, a beret, white gloves and black shoes are classic Elements of the costume. Alternatively, you can combine the striped shirt in black and white for carnival with a skirt with suspenders and use a different type of cap or hat if you want to be a little more original.
The pantomime costume can be used as a partner or group costume. This is precisely when the items of clothing can vary so that the whole group looks interesting and unique. Once you have put together the pantomime costume for carnival in black and white, all that is missing is the right make-up. You will find a few tips and ideas below. All in all, you can easily implement your own ideas here. The entire outfit becomes even more original!
Dress up as a raven
There are also many different black animals that you can transform into at Carnival. One of them is the raven or the crow. Both children and adults can use this idea for carnival costumes. With everyday clothing such as black trousers or jeans and a black sweatshirt that you can decorate with feathers or fringes, you can quickly make the costume yourself. You can also make the beak yourself from cardboard or paper.
Black panther for an Sblack and white carnival
Or how about a black panther? If the simple wild cat is too boring for you, you can also choose the modern panther from the movie and get a suitable costume from the store. But you can also easily do this carnival costumedo it Yourself, using black clothing, a mask and of course a nice long tail. A simple black cat is a classic and particularly popular with women. So if you want to choose this old classic in black and white for carnival, you're definitely not doing anything wrong.
Black Angel – White Angel
The angel costume is also suitable for carnival in black and white. Whether you choose the black angel or the white angel is of course up to you. But maybe you want to be original? Then you can combine both in one costume. So you can make one half of the costume white and the other half black. The combination of black and white angel is just as suitable for a partner costume. Are you attending the carnival party with your best friend or sister? Then that would be a great idea, right?
Dress up as a burglar
Even if you're a burglar, you can wear black and white stripes to carnival. There are also black trousers or leggings, a hat, mask and of course the money bag that you successfully captured earlier. Whether as an individual costume for carnival in black and white or as a group costume with a police officer doesn't matter. Guaranteed to make faces smile. You can also design the mask with black make-up if you haven't found any and you don't have the desire or time for crafting.
White and black swan
You can also combine black and white with these lovely animals or you can choose a variant. That is entirely up to you. As a man, you can also choose the swan and create some laughs at the party with some feminine accessories. After all, the mood should be happy and fun! Leggings and a tutu, as well as a few feathers, can be enough for the costume. All you need is the right make-up for the carnival in black and white and you can be on your way.
Both colors can be combined with each other for carnival make-up or used individually. That depends entirely on what kind of costume you have chosen and how you imagine the overall look. After all, there are no strict rules. And as long as you don't choose complicated patterns, even as a beginner you can create something interesting with carnival makeup. We recommend trying out the planned project in advance so that you have a clear idea and are not suddenly pressed for time on the day of the party if you are not satisfied with the result.
The pantomime, which we have already mentioned above, can be made up in a variety of ways. A sad, a mischievous, a happy or a grim face can be created, although the happy and smiling one is perhaps best suited for carnival. The white color serves as a background and base. Then use black paint to create the eyes, eyebrows and mouth. You can see a few suggestions in the picture above, but of course you can also come up with something yourself. Hearts, checks or dots on the cheeks are not uncommon and make the make-up even more upbeat. Painted tears are also very typical. If you are in a hurry or don't want to spend so much time putting on make-up, you can leave out the white background for carnival make-up in black and white and leave it with your natural skin color.
Create your own make-up for carnival in black and white
However, the make-up does not necessarily have to represent a specific theme or a specific figure in order to look interesting. Here, for example, you can see an original idea that you can literally achieve with a few brush strokes and without having any special experience with make-up. Use black carnival make-up to first design the eyelid and the remaining areas around the eye. Then pick up some make-up with the brush and add as many dabs as you like. These can also be stretched out a little.
This idea in which the face is divided into two halves is also very original. This is, for example, a great option for the double angel or swan costume, but also looks very effective with a simple suit, dress or other outfit. Divide the face as desired with a straight line or, as here, with a wavy one. The make-up also looks very interesting diagonally. Just try what you like best. This make-up idea for a carnival in black and white is particularly simple and also great for make-up beginners.
Putting makeup on animals
Whether it's a white rabbit or a black cat, you can also paint the face of certain animals in black and white in the appropriate color for carnival. There are certainly suitable masks, but if you want to make an even bigger impression, then just try using make-up. Many animals are not as difficult to put on makeup as you might think. For this bunny, for example, just use a white color as a base. The smaller elements are then added with black. This includes whiskers, nose, eyebrows and other accents. Ladies can even add eyeliner.
Carnival wig in black and white
And if the costume itself isn't particularly eye-catching, you can add the perfect accent with a white or black and white wig. This is also the perfect accessory for a last minute costume. It is not only suitable for classics like Cruella Deville, a wig can also be used for very individual costumes because it comes in a wide variety of versions - long and short, plain and with effects. You can even make your own wigs from different materials. How about onePaper wigor wool? Depending on the color of the wig, you should also use a suitable costume so that it is well emphasized.
So as you can see, it's not that difficult to put together everything you need for a perfect black and white carnival celebration. With a little imagination, desire and our suggestions, you are guaranteed to succeed in everything, be it just the choice of costume or the entire planning of a celebration including carnival decorations and food. No matter what you decide, we wish you good luck and of course lots of fun at the upcoming party!