Ideas for children's make-up for unicorns

The unicorn has become a really popular mythical creature among children and especially girls. So the theme not only decorates children's rooms, but is also popularas a party themechosen and also as a costume. And of course the perfect costume also includes the right make-up. In principle, all you need is a lot of bright colors and you can create beautiful unicorn makeup. You can find a few ideas for unicorn face painting in this article today.

It doesn't have to be something extremely flashy. It can be enough to just add a few accents with make-up and give the costume the finishing touch. You can see such an example in the picture above. Apply a tiny bit of blush to your cheeks for a cute blush and a little glitter on top. Glitter stones can also be distributed here and there around the eyes with a little eyelash glue. If you want, you can use this unicorn face paint with mascara and why notwith an eyelinerfinish (you can find an original idea for an eyeliner below).

Rhinestones were also used here and glued to the forehead and below the eyes. Use bright colors that are best used in the costume. The lips can of course also be made up. Ashiny metallic lipstick, but glittering ones are also ideal. If you don't want it to be so noticeable, you can also choose a simple lip gloss or a subtle pink.

Unicorn make-up for children – instructions

  • primer
  • Eyeshadow in rainbow colors (one-stroke colors)
  • Make-up sponge
  • white, pink and yellow make-up
  • flat brush
  • Red rose
  • Fixing spray

First, apply a primer. This guarantees that the make-up lasts longer. Make up your eyelidsin rainbow colors, blending all the colors together well. There are also special eye shadows in which the colors are arranged next to each other and which you then simply pick up with a sponge and transfer to the eyelids (one-stroke colors). Using a flat brush and white make-up, paint the unicorn ears and forehead above the forehead. You can also paint the ears with pink make-up or blush.

If you want, you can also apply blush on the cheeks. Then paint a horn in yellow and add the final accents with pink outlines. If you want, you can also draw a few squiggly patterns on the outer eye in pink and a few sparkles around the horn in white. Finally, seal the finished design with a fixing spray and the unicorn children's make-up is ready. You are welcome to vary the colors for this unicorn children's make-up (e.g. purple, light blue or turquoise instead of pink). To match this, you can also paint your lips in the same color that you used for the contours.

Painting a unicorn face

  • primer
  • white and black makeup
  • One stroke colors
  • Paint brush
  • Fixing spray

Or how about this unicorn face paint idea? This involves painting the head of a unicorn on part of the face. After priming, apply white make-up with a sponge. Here you roughly shape the head, an ear and the horn of the unicorn. With one-stroke colors you can then easily design the rainbow and create the mane for children's make-up. Now trace the contours with a brush and black paint.

Unicorn face painting made easy

If you want, you can add small details such as stars, sparks, hearts or similar at the end as accents. Then fix the finished unicorn children's make-up with a fixing spray so that it lasts throughout the entire party.

Suggestions for children's make-up for unicorns to imitate

Unicorn face make-up with nose

Idea in green, yellow, orange and red

Girls make up as unicorns in white, purple and pink

Simple horn make-up

For children, unicorn make-up around the eyes

Unicorn in one eye and fire and ice in the other

Unicorn make-up with glitter

Easy children's make-up for beginners

For face painting, choose a unicorn in bright colors

Unicorn and wings

Children's make-up for unicorn with beads around the eyes

Only with rainbows

If the costume already clearly shows what kind of costume it is, you don't need to put on a real unicorn make-up. Then you can either choose a simple version as described above, just apply a colorful eye shadow and/or eyeliner or add other accents such as stars. Rainbows are also ideal. See how you could create the rainbow:

Easy unicorn make-up for children with one-stroke make-up for quick rainbows

Unicorn make-up for children is easy with rainbow

Small rainbow and stars above the eye