Apply eyeliner: Tips and tricks for perfect eyeliner and 30 great looks

A small stroke with a big effect – the eyeliner! It perfectly emphasizes the eye and gives an intense expression. It is considered a classicEye makeupand is perfect for both everyday wear and special occasions. Applying eyeliner is not an easy task and is one of the supreme disciplines of make-up art. However, with a little practice and a steady hand, you can definitely create a beautiful eyeliner. Here we reveal a few tips and tricks on how to get the right swing when applying eyeliner.

Choosing the perfect eyeliner

Whether short or long, thick or thin, dramatic or classic, it's a matter of taste. A beautiful eyeliner is able to visually “open” the gaze and make the eyes appear larger. However, the exact opposite is also possible - making the eyes appear smaller if the shape does not correspond to that of the eyes. To ensure that you apply the eyeliner correctly, you can seek advice from a make-up artist or simply experiment with different eyeliner shapes. In general, the more open the eye is, the thicker the eyeliner can be. Almond-shaped eyes are best suited to eyeliner in any variation. For round eyes, the eyeliner should be a little thinner and finally connect the inner and outer ends of the eyelid. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose between a liquid eyeliner, a pencil or eyeliner and a gel for the perfect look. Use the liquid eyeliner for a fine, thin eyeliner. If you want to emphasize the eyes more dramatically and more, use the pencil. You apply the eyeliner with a gel consistency using a special narrow brush that is cut at a slight angle. This can also be used to draw thicker lines. This variant is perfect for oneSmokey Eyes Make-up. Eyeliners also come in different colors. The black one is considered a classic, by the waysuits every eye color.

Tricks for perfect eyeliner

When applying eyeliner, it is recommended to draw the line in two strokes. Do not make any strokes etc. otherwise the eyeliner will not be straight. When applying, pull the eyelid slightly upwards with your other hand to tighten the skin. Start with a very thin line from the inner corner of your eye to the center. Then draw a line from the outer corner of your eye to the center and connect the two lines together. At the end the line can be a little wider. To visually enlarge the eye and conjure up the so-called cat's eye look, extend the eyeliner at the outer corner of the eye with a slanting line outwards towards the temple. This can be a little thicker, but don't overdo the length and thickness. The angle is very important for this final stroke or swing. The end of the eyebrow serves as orientation. You can take a piece of adhesive tape and connect the lower eyelid to the end of the eyebrow. This is how you get the right momentum.

Apply eyeliner and secure the perfect look! According to this motto, stars and the make-up artists who ensure their perfect appearance choose make-up with perfect eyeliner. This can be designed in a variety of ways depending on the occasion, outfit and of course the shape of your eyes. Get inspired by these 38 celebrity looks. We'll also give you a few tips and tricks for the perfect eyeliner.

To make your eyeliner last longer, makeup stylists recommend removing oil from the eyelid. This is easy to do with a facial tissue. If you have oily skin, you should apply an eyeshadow base or some powder. Then you can proceed to apply eyeliner.

Eyeliner classic

The classic eyeliner, which is evenly thick and not very long, actually suits every woman and is suitable for all occasions. So he is always a good choice. If you want to experiment, it's best to try out different make-up options and consider which occasions they are appropriate for.

The classic version only extends a little over the outer corner of the eye and is relatively thin. It suits every eye shape and is drawn very close to the edge of the eyelashes. If you also apply a little mascara, the eyelashes will appear thicker and the look will appear more expressive. This is the perfect look for the day.

If you let the eyeliner run out a little longer at the end and with a nice curve, the eye will be visually enlarged. This elegant shape of eyeliner can extend a good 0.5-0.8 centimeters beyond the outer corners of the eyes. The momentum should end upwards and never downwards.

If you have almond-shaped eyes, you can try out different eyeliner variations. You always start with a thin eyeliner in the inner corner of the eye and from the start of the eyelashes it can become wider. Make a slight upward movement towards the outer corner of your eye.

Sometimes it's hard to get the curve straight across the outer corner of your eye. A piece of tape can be helpful, as we already mentioned. However, you must not remove this until the eyeliner is dry. Additionally, you can use a card, a piece of paper, or even a ruler.

If it's too difficult for you to draw a single line across the entire lid with eyeliner or pencil, try placing a few small dots on the lash line and then connecting them.


Make-up brush: Which make-up brush to use for what?

Make-up brushes are available in different sizes and shapes and can be used to artistically make up the face, eyes and lips. However, everyone has a precise stake. But which brush is suitable for what? In this article we present a little brush knowledge so that the desired make-up can be achieved.

If your hand shakes, there's no way you'll be able to apply perfect eyeliner. This requires a steady hand. Most importantly, you need to take your time and not be in a hurry. Beginners can use a cosmetic mirror and sit it at the table. It is important that you can support your elbow and thus get a good grip.

Depending on eye shape

Make-up is all about emphasizing your assets and concealing your flaws. Small, large, deep-set, almond-shaped, etc. - every eye looks different. So you have toAdjust the eyeliner shape to the eye.

For little eyes

For small eyes, you should first apply light eyeshadow or a powder lighter than your skin tone to the eyelid. Then the curve in the outer corner of the eye should act as a natural extension of the waterline. It is best to mark the specific areas before applying the eyeliner.

A trick to make small eyes appear larger is to use shimmering eyeshadow, especially in the inner corner of the eye. In addition, you can apply a white or skin color pencil to the waterline. Under no circumstances should you emphasize the lower waterline or the lower eyelid with black.

For big eyes

If you have large eyes, you can apply black eyeliner to both the upper and lower lids without making the eye appear smaller. Smokey eye make-up can be perfectly complemented with this white look.

For almond-shaped eyes

As we already mentioned, almond eyes are the perfect starting point for a curved eyeliner. Thin and thick eyeliners look equally good.

Apply colored eyeliner

Eyeliners come in different colors. You should actually choose the colormatch the eye colorand choose depending on the occasion. A black eyeliner is equally suitable for every eye color and for every occasion and is therefore considered a classic.

The brown or gray version is a particularly favorable choice for blondes or ladies with light eyes. Colored eyeliner is a beautiful stylistic tool, especially in summer, and can emphasize the color of your eyes particularly well.

If you also apply mascara after eyeliner, you should not apply mascara to all eyelashes evenly, but rather concentrate on those at the outer corner of your eye.

If you have deep-set eyes, you should use eyeliner with a cat-eye shape. To enhance the effect, only use shimmering eyeshadows in two or, ideally, three shades. You wear the dark eye shadows at the end of your eyes and this way you visually stretch the eyes further.

For droopy eyelids

For eyes with droopy eyelids, it is advisable to generally avoid applying dark eyeliner. In this case, make-up with eyeshadow in shimmering shades that “open up” the eyes is recommended. A dark shade is applied to the upper eyelid and in the crease of the eyelid.

Eyeliner for protruding eyes

If you have protruding eyes, you should generally avoid eye shadows with a shimmer effect. The light-reflecting particles make the eyes appear even further forward. It is also not recommended to frame the entire eye with dark eyeliner. Apply black eyeliner only to the outer corner of the lower eyelid.

However, with the right eyeliner look, you can make up any eye shape to your advantage. This works best if you start with a thin eyeliner and thicken it towards the corner of your eye. For the perfect finish, coat the upper eyelashes generously to make your eyes look even bigger.

Create a dramatic look

For parties and when the occasion allows for an extravagant look, you can apply the eyeliner thicker or pull it extremely upwards on the outer corner of the eye, almost to the eyebrow. Collect inspiration for dramatic eyeliner makeup from the stars!


Eyeliner und Smokey Eyes Make-up