Face painting for carnival: This is how fun and colorful your little ones' faces can shine at carnival!

Face painting is a great activity that you can also share with your children. It awakens fun and creativity and stimulates children's imagination. And what could be funnier than face painting for carnival?Try these colorful onesIdeas! Your little ones will be totally fascinated!

Face painting as a ladybug is easy

Try this cute face painting idea for carnival. Your little ones will definitely love them!

You need:

Red complexion
Black face paint
Medium brush
Thin brush

Make-up instructions:

  • Using the sponge, paint a rounded rectangle over the eyes and nose area with red face paint. Do not bring the paint too close to your eyes. Using the thin brush, paint an outline around the red rectangle in black paint.
  • Then, using the medium brush in black paint, paint a semicircle on the rectangle and fill it. This should be centered above the nose and span the middle third of the length of the rectangle. This is the oneLadybug head.
  • Using the small brush and black paint, start at the bottom outline in the middle of the rectangle (above the nose) and paint a small triangle over the red paint. Fill it in with black paint.
  • Using the same brush and color, paint a similar triangle on the opposite side of the rectangle over the red color. This triangle connects to the top outline in the middle of the rectangle (on the forehead), but is upside down and pointing down towards the nose. This triangle should be the same height as the triangle on the bottom of the rectangle, but much wider. Make this triangle as wide as the semicircle above it and fill it in. The final effect will be a black shape that is half circular at the top and half diamond at the bottom.
  • Again, using a thin brush, paint a straight line down the middle of the nose with black face paint. This will connect the tip of the top black triangle to the tip of the bottom black triangle.
  • Add details to the ladybug using the thin brush and black paint. Paint 5 or 6 small dots on the red area around each eye.
  • Finally, using the same brush and paint, add two antennae on the ladybug's head by painting two swirls that run up and out from the semicircle at the top of the design.

Making up a child as a bunny is fun

Kids love bunnies, don't they? Check out this bunny makeup idea and join in.

What you need:

Water based face paints
thin brushes
silver glitter


  • Paint two white, bushy eyebrows on the forehead. Now paint two white whisker pads on the cheeks. Try adding small strokes with a fine brush of white paint - this will add more texture.
  • Paint a white horizontal rectangle on the chin, running down from the bottom lip. Then use the pink paint to color in the end of the nose.
  • Use a thin brush with black paint to make small strokes around the white onesDraw eyebrowsto give them structure. Now draw around the white rectangle on the chin to make two teeth. Add three dots and three fine lines on either side of the cheeks to create whiskers. Finally, dust your cheeks with silver glitter.

Face painting for carnival as a fairy

Face painting as a fairy is so pretty and every girl would love to transform into a fairy for carnival, you can be sure of that!

Use the following materials:

Face paint in a color of your choice
2 soft sponges (for the base coat)
Round brush and liner brush (for the details)
Cosmetic glitter (do not use craft glitter as it sometimes contains metal)
Glued jewels
Small vessel with water

Make-up instructions:

  • Apply golden color to the eyes and forehead with a sponge.
  • Using a clean sponge, apply the color under the eyes and create a V shape on the forehead.
  • The face paint is water activated and a small amount goes a long way. You can alwayseven more colorand/or add water, but you don't want the paint to drip down the face.
  • Gluing on the jewelry.
  • Using a round brush and white face paint, add a line of tears around the floral decoration and two long tears along the top of the blue V shape. Finish this section with a series of white dots on the nose with the tip of the brush.
  • Use either the Round Brush or a liner brush to add a dark blue outline to one side of all the white drips, dots, and swirls.
  • The grand finale! Of course, glitter! You can use a gold glitter on the eyelids and a white, transparent glitter on the rest of the design.

Happy cow face for children at carnival

Face painting as a cow for carnival can be very fun. It's not difficult either and you just need to use a bit of creativity.

What you need:

Face colors – white, black, pink
thin brushes

How to do makeup as a cow:

  • Paint the face white, applying the paint evenly with the sponge. Leave the area around the mouth uncolored. Using a thin brush, draw a black outline over the entire white-colored part of the face.
  • Then paint small black dots on the white background of the face.
  • Color the area around the mouth pink to create an oval. This is the cow's mouth.
  • Paint the nose and nostrils black.
  • At the end, you can also paint the cow's horns on the forehead. Face painting for carnival can be so fun!