Painting a flower pot with fingerprints: creative fun with the children

In principle, you can also design other vessels in this way, but you may have to adjust the type of color (for example, only porcelain paint will stick to porcelain and similar surfaces). Either way, you not only get a great gift for your loved ones, they also keep the children wonderfully entertained. Wouldn't that also be a great idea as an activity for a child's birthday party? We explain how to paint a flower pot with fingerprints together with the children.

What do you need for flower pot design?

In principle, you don't need to prepare much:

  • clay pots
  • Acrylic paints as fingerprint paint
  • Paint brush
  • possibly markers for additional details
  • possibly clear varnish to seal (choose one that does not dissolve the marker)
  • lots of little children's fingers

How to easily paint a flower pot with fingerprints – the basics

Those:@kristensellentin/ Instagram

The practice is just as easy as the theory and you can choose the level of difficulty yourself by choosing more or less difficult motifs. All in all, do the following:

  • Wipe the clay pot with a dry cloth to remove any dust or other dirt. You can also clean it wet beforehand, but then you have to give it enough time to dry (unpainted clay absorbs moisture).
  • Prepare the colors by placing them one at a time in a paint palette or other shallow container.
  • You can leave the flower pot as it is or choose any color as a base and paint it completely. It is best to use a paint brush for this.
  • Dip a finger in any color. The more paint you pick up, the less noticeable the finder's print will be. But the color becomes stronger. Decide for yourself.
Those:@kristensellentin/ Instagram
  • Then press the inked finger anywhere on the pot. You can think about a whole image in advance and mark where each subject should go.
  • Allow the colors to dry thoroughly.
  • Only then can you add more details with a marker. The same applies if you want to press two fingerprints of different colors onto each other without the colors mixing.
  • Once all the colors have dried well, you can seal everything with a clear varnish if you want.

Paint a flower pot with fingerprints - templates for animals and other motifs

Those:@messylittlemonster/ Instagram

Dandelions, balloons, chicks, rabbits, bees or the popular ladybugs. It's really not difficult to come up with funny motifs, especially when you have the templates in front of you and you can use them as a guide. Here are some cool ideas that you can trace if yourChildren with fingerprintspaint a flower pot.

Those:@saraf.sweety/ Instagram

You have already seen how to paint ladybugs and bees in the instructions. The beetle gets a head, then the two squiggly antennae, a line in the middle of the red body that divides the wings and finally a few dots.

Those:@three_busy_boys/ Instagram

The bee receives two or three lines for its stripe pattern, one eye and the two wings. If you want, you can also add your airflow in the form of a line pattern.

Those:@theartfulparent/ Instagram

These motives are not enough for you?Here you will findadditional templates so that you can paint a flower pot with plenty of pictures made from fingerprints.

Those:@ledgerandmajor/ Instagram

Idea for a children's birthday party - keep the children busy and make party favors

Those:@wherethesmileshavebeen/ TikTok

White-yellow pot with colorful flowers

Those:@amandaformaro/ Instagram

Combine prints with other materials, such as buttons

Those:@messylittlemonster/ Instagram

Designed clay pot as a gift with flower seeds

Those:@ashleymurphyfamily/ Instagram

Cover photo:@kristensellentin/ Instagram