Make a Pippi Longstocking costume for carnival

Hardly any carnival costume is easier to make and at the same time more popular with small children than the Pippi Longstocking costume. We'll show you 37 cool ideas on how you can make your own carnival costume for your girl with little effort and household items!

A cool craft idea for carnival

Pippi Longstocking is perhaps the most popular character from Swedish author Astrid Lindgren's novels. The nine-year-old girl is immediately recognizable - her hair is braided in two protruding braids and her clothing consists of a colorful apron with patches, a blouse in a bright red color and two colorful socks of different lengths. Instead of normal shoes, she wears black overshoes.

Actually it can be doneCarnival costume super easyand craft quickly - perhaps precisely because the girl has such a special look, but at the same time it can be easily recreated from old clothes.

  • For the wig, use a new mop, orange if possible.
  • You will need wire to form the braids.
  • For the outfit, use children's tights, preferably in a solid color (for example red), two socks with stripes (one knee-length, the other a little shorter), a denim dress (or simply an apron), a red blouse . You can decorate the apron/dress with patches made of fabric or paper. The shoes are available with black ankle boots, sneakers or overshoes. Complete!

A Pippi costume can have many variations - and yet the heroine of the novel of the same name can almost always be recognized by her red pigtails and her freckles.

Charming ideas to imitate