If you want to create a greeting card for a lady, a floral pattern is definitely the right choice. Simply cut out flower petals from colored paper and glue them onto the card. You don't have to strive for a precise arrangement either. Abstract patterns also look great and make your card special. Come up with your own color combination. Your birthday wishes surrounded by colorful petals look amazing and have a stronger effect. Undoubtedly a light and loving card, isn't it?
Ramona from Frankfurt is mother of two-year-old Kaia. Her passions are Zumba, nature and gardening, which she lives out in her backyard paradise. She is constantly looking for mommy hacks and cooking tips to make everyday life more efficient. She is also enthusiastic about creative ideas for child development and current trends in fashion and nutrition. Ramona has been writing for Deavita since 2013, always thoroughly researched and often supported by expert interviews. She studied psychology in Freiburg.