Tinker money gifts for your birthday

Birthday money gifts are always practical and are needed at some point. But it is confusing simply to put one or more banknotes in the hands of the birthday child and greet best. You give money in a creative and original way, with a little humor and smile on the face. Make sure that the banknotes come over as a donation as a gesture that is really related to the practical gesture. Here you will find 15 great ideas and which handicraft ideas with instructions on how to create creatively money gifts.

A romantic, magnificent bouquet of flowers and a banknote hidden between theRed RosesCan be the dream of many women. Just make sure that yours are below.

Decorate greeting card with which rolled banknotes such as shining candles. A really funny idea is the card with a balloon fish, in which you can hide a banknote.

The money gift can be used at any time in an emergency, so make sure that it doesn't seem so striking. Cool idea would be to hide in balloons or to fill a box made of cosmetics with bound banknotes.