Children's birthday with a Pokémon theme

The most popular game for smartphones at the moment is without question Pokémon Go. It quickly takes over the entire world and delights not only the little ones but also adults. For this reason, we would like to dedicate an article to this topic in which we have not only put together fun craft instructions, but also some dessert ideas with a Pokemon theme. If you are planning a children's birthday with this theme or a party for adult Pokémon fans, these ideas will definitely come in handy.

Children celebrating birthdays

Whether you have a party or a childrento celebrate birthday, dessert is certainly one of the most important elements. And you have a wide variety of desserts at your disposal, from classic cakes to muffins and cupcakes to original cake pops. We would like to start our article with Pokémon muffins and a cake and show how you can make these desserts to matchPokémon Themecan design.

Party with cake

To bake a Pokémon cake for a child's birthday, you can use any vanilla cake recipe. It is important that the dough is light and can be colored with red food coloring. If you prefer a chocolate cake, you can also use red icing instead of food coloring. Once you have baked the cake, you can decorate it. It is best to use fondant for the black element.

Pokémon Muffins

You can also use the same dough to bake Pokémon muffins for a child's birthday or party. Color it red again and fill the paper cases. After the muffins are baked, turn them into cupcakes with a buttercream frosting. This cream is used to fix the Pokémon figures on the mini cakes.

Make Pokémon with fondant

The figures are made more easily than you might think. The finished colored fondant is rolled out thinly. You can then cut or cut the individual elements from this. Then place the finished figures on the muffin icing and press them down very lightly. All children will love these desserts on their birthday!

Cake Pops backen

The Pokéball is an element from the Pokémon world that is also perfect for children's birthdays with a Pokémon theme. Again you need a vanilla cake as a base. Once you have baked this, crumble it into a bowl. Add Philadelphia and mix well. This mix can then easily be shaped into any shape you want. For the Pokéball you need small balls into which you then insert the stems. Finally, the balls are first dipped in white glaze and then in a different colored glaze.

Design Pokémon

Of course, you can also design any Pokémon you want this way. You can search for different figures on the Internet and use them as a template for shape and color. You can find out how you can design the cake pops in the following video. You will see that this project is really easy to implement.


You can also make Poké Balls out of donuts. You can either buy these ready-made or bake them yourself, as desired. That depends on how much time you have available to prepare the dessert for your child's birthday. To decorate you will also need the following products:

Ingredients for Pokéball Donuts

– Donuts
– Mini-Windbeutel
– white glaze
– Chocolate icing
– Food coloring
– Piping bag

Glaze for the donuts

Prepare all three glazes. Dip half of each donut into the white glaze and, after it has dried, dip the other side into the red glaze, which you get from red food coloring. The cream puffs also need a white icing. You can make the chocolate icing darker using blue food coloring. You'll need it for the Poké Ball's black ring.

Decorate donuts with piping bag

Fill the pointed bag with the dark glaze. Now a steady hand is required. Create a straight line between the red and white icing and allow the chocolate to dry. Your child is welcome to help with this dessert for a child's birthday. He can then proudly tell his friends at the party.

Finish donuts

For the final step, fill the holes of the donuts. And this is where the cream puffs come into play. Simply place the now white cream puffs into the holes of the donuts. In this way, you essentially get a double dessert for your child's birthday, which also tastes extremely delicious.

Homemade gift idea

If you are still looking for a gift idea with a Pokémon theme, we would like to offer you this fun backpack that you can quickly and easily copy. Not only children will enjoy it. If you know an adult who likes to play Pokémon Go, they will definitely find a backpack like this practical. Because he can take different things with him in it.

Materials for the Pokémon Backpack

– yellow backpack
– Felt in yellow, red, black and white
- Scissors
– black Edding
- Ballpoint pen
– brown and black textile paint
– Brush
– Textile adhesives

Felt backpack

For the individual Pikachu elements you need stencils, which you can also draw yourself. Then place them on the felt material and trace the shapes with a ballpoint pen. You will need four yellow ear shapes, two red cheek shapes, two large eye shapes in black and two smaller ones in white, and two yellow tail shapes. Glue two ear shapes and the two tail shapes together. This makes them more stable.

Make Pikachu

Use black textile paint to color the tips of the ears, while the lower part of the tail should be brown. Once the paint has dried, you can glue these elements to the back of the backpack. Then glue the white eye shapes onto the black ones and use the Sharpie to draw a black border around the red cheek circles.

Design the face

The face of Pikachu comes on the front of the backpack as a gift for a child's birthday. Before you stick the elements in place, just place them on the backpack. So you may be able to move them. Glue on the eyes and cheeks and draw on the nose and mouth with the Sharpie. Another variant is to design the mouth and nose with a seam.

The finished backpack

And should the backpack look like at the end. Of course, you can also sew the backpack yourself as a gift for a child's birthday instead of buying it ready-made. In this case, you can follow the instructions from the link below. Someone will definitely have a lot of fun with it and it will be a fun companion for hunting Pokémon.

Instructions for sewing the backpackhere.